Quiet on Set

737 25 14

Addy POV

I got back to L.A. last night from finally wrapping up the first season in Atlanta and I actually was able to get a decent amount of sleep– which is good because we have all the daytime scenes of the next episode to film today.

"Our little witch is back! Holy crap I have missed you" Crystal announces, making me jump a little in my surprise before I instantly smile as she bounds over to me in the classroom we're filming her window escape from in a few minutes.

She wraps me in a hug and I chuckle softly as I wrap my arms around her "Same, how has everything been since I was gone?"

She opens her mouth to reply, making a little noise before she draws her brows inwards "Well that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about"

"Uh-oh what happened?" I question, crossing my arms over my front as concern quickly rushes over me, though she shakes her head immediately "Nothing happened per se... I just uh– I need to have a little chat with you and Holl, tonight? Are you free?"

"We're filming until ten I think–" I trail off, making a face as I mentally go over the filming schedule I hastily looked at before heading over to set earlier.

Crystal smiles brightly and sets her hands on my arm "Perfect, come to my trailer after you're done and we'll have snacks ready"

I nod with her request, taking a moment before asking softly "Crys, what's going on?"

"Just–" she increases her hold on me and connects her gaze with mine "I just need to tell you tonight okay? I need you both there."

Without missing a beat I return her smile, nodding once "Yes, of course. I'll be there, babe."

Once I get done screaming in the middle of the street, which thankfully I was able to master a whisper scream that they will be able to edit over with my scream recording, we officially can wrap on this episode.

Ty turns to me and laughs "See I told you making a half scream is the way to go–"

"Even if the half scream makes you sound like a dying gerbil" Dyl snorts and I playfully glare at him, offering a humorless laugh "Ha– well I want it to look as believable as possible and practicing in the mirror, my throat was not convincing enough that I was screaming when I tried the Hoech method– so dying gerbil is where I'm at right now."

They both laugh with that, causing me to as well before I pull out my phone and make a little noise "Oh crap it's almost ten, I need to walk back across set"

"What's going on at ten?" Dyl questions while I pocket my phone and share a look with both of them, "Crystal wanted to meet up with me and Holl– I don't know what about though, just said she needed to talk to us."

"Is she okay?" Ty questions and I shrug "I didn't get the feeling she was upset, more like nervous? Maybe just anxious to share something."

"Well keep us posted..." Ty trails off and I smirk at him "If I'm allowed to, I will."

Ty jerks his head back a little with his confusion "Allowed to– what does that mean?"

"It's girl code, bro– come on," Dylan chuckles and pushes Ty's shoulder on his way to wrap me in a hug "Night, Blondie."

I wrap my arms around his middle, chuckling into his chest "Night, Eugene."

He pulls back, raising one of his brows as he connects his eyes with mine "So I'm Eugene now, huh?"

"Yeah, when you're sweet your Eugene side comes out," I murmur and he smiles, throwing me a wink as he steps away from me and nods his head for us to follow after Ty "I'll take it– come on let's get you back to the trailers."

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