Gag Reel

825 23 21

Addy POV

Ty was appointed to Wolf Watch correspondent for Jill and has been walking around set in our down time between scenes-- giving interviews of sorts or discussing certain topics for the past few months.

Which he's doing right now as well-- asking us what 12 things could make watching Teen Wolf more enjoyable.

"So I said kettlecorn and then I couldn't come up with anything else" Ty admits as he attempts to hide a smile and I snort before he shoves the mic in my face. I make a noise and look around "Pizza"

"Nice" Dylan mutters with a nod and I lift my shoulders up "Right? Pizza always makes anything you're watching just that much better."

Ty smirks towards the camera and looks over at us quickly "As long as there's pineapple on the pizza right guys?"

I scrunch my nose up with a little frown, looking over at Dyl who is sporting the same look as me before we both silently look over at Ty. He moves his eyes between us quickly, the smile on his face finally breaking free as he busts up laughing "I'm kidding, I'm kidding!"

Clearing his face from the previous humor he scoffs and indicates over at us with a nod of his head as he talks into the mic again "Sheesh these two and their super picky pizza topping rules"

It's my turn to scoff as Dyl and I bellow back at him "It's not a fuckin' pizza topping!"


We also took a night and filmed a video for the After After show on the network to air after the finale of season 3 and saying goodbye to Void Stiles.

The premise of the video is to show how much playing Void changed Dylan on set and how we're all basically walking on eggshells around him to not set him off. We have a basic idea of what we're wanting to be said but we're completely improvising the lines as we film.

Once he knocks Ty's water bottle out of his hand screaming "Whassup, bitch!" I have to cover my mouth with my hand to not laugh beside the camera I'm standing next to.

Ty attempts to sound like he's on the verge of tears as he mutters "I hate Void Stiles so much" before he walks out of the shot and Dylan shouts down the ways from us "Who wants my fucking autograph, huh?"

Next up is me so I walk up the steps to my trailer and just as I'm reaching for the door it swings open and I grip onto the handle bar, jerking back a bit.

Dylan and his sunglasses covered face nods towards me "You again, seriously?"

"Um yeah, it's just-- it's just, this is my trailer" I mumble and he leans closer "Look Blondie, we've been over this before-- I need snacks to give me energy as I attempt to work with you amateurs and you have the best snacks, so this is my trailer when I need it to be"

I make a move to reply but he just lifts his hand up to silence me with a little noise "Ba-bup-- my trailer, you can have it back when the snacks need to be replenished," he waves his hand at me "That's it, off you go."

We get set up for my part of the video that will come in after the scene outside of the trailer and I stand in front of the camera, shoving my hands in my pocket as I look around to make sure the coast is clear from him.

I clear my throat and fail at trying to whisper "He claims I have the best snacks but he's always just eating my crisps-- specifically the cool ranch doritos which he knows are my favorite."

"They are called fucking CHIPS!" Dylan shouts from behind me and I jump as I turn around to face him, watching as he throws his arms up exasperatedly "I swear to god, how many times do we have to go over that? That bullshit right there is why I'm always fucking eating them."

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