...Please Don't Tell Anyone

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Kikyo's Pov

"And now, coming back for another round is Rivera Kikyo!"

I walked out of the corridor and met Iida on the arena we were supposed to fight in. The battle started and the next thing I knew Iida was trying to push me out of bounds. I sighed froze over his engines, knowing this fight wouldn't last long at all. We stopped abruptly which made Iida look at his engines in confusion.

"Technical difficulties?" I smirked in a knowing tone.

Iida tensed when he noticed the frost on his engines, "You froze them?"

"Precisely. I couldn't let you push me out of bounds, now could I?" I smiled innocently.

I turned around to face Iida after escaping his grip, activating my quirk. I shot a bolt of darkness at him, making him fly to the other side of the arena.

"Woah, class A's Rivera is glowing gold!" Present Mic pointed out.

Oh shit.

Deciding to end this quickly, I used geokinesis to levitate Iida's section of the arena of the platform. Usually, I would just use my mind but for the sake of the overuse of my quirk, I used my hands to guide. I could feel a sharp pain in my head, a sign of an oncoming headache or migraine, as Iida was rolled out of bounds.

"Iida is out of bounds. The winner is Rivera!" Midnight exclaimed.

I slowly started lowering the part of the arena I picked up but as I did so, the earth itself started shaking. I quickly placed down the arena and deactivated my quirk, stopping the earth's shaking and my glowing.

"Oops," I mumbled to myself with an awkward smile. "Didn't mean to do that."

Clearing my throat, I walked from the arena to where I was sitting earlier. Well, after a visit from another nosebleed that I quickly treated on my own.

"I thought you said you'd be right back?" Katsuki questioned, keeping his gaze on the arena.

Oh, congratulations Kikyo. Thanks, Katsuki, that means a lot! >:(

"I thought repairing the arena would take longer than it did." I shrugged, getting comfortable in my chair.

"What were you even doing?" he pressed.

"I was congratulating Todoroki and checking on Izuku," I answered with a raised eyebrow. "By the time I was done, I had to walk to the corridor."

Katsuki rolled his eyes and grumbled to himself. I sighed already knowing where this was going to go.

"What?" I asked.

"Nothing," Katsuki grumbled.

"No, I want to know since you're making it very obvious it's not nothing." I pushed.

"I said it's nothing," Katsuki growled, turning to face me. "Drop. It."

"Nothing can be fixed if we don't talk about it." I looked away from him and took a deep breath. "I'm allowed to have friends, Katsuki."

"I know that but why does it have to be them?!" Katsuki thundered, almost gaining the attention of others.

"They're nice people. Maybe if you gave them a chance-"

"Tch, a chance. Please." Katsuki interjected.

"Can you please try to be nice to them?" I pleaded. "I don't wanna argue anymore, especially about something dumb like this."

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