You Have Three Seconds To Say Your Last Words, You Can Run But It Won't Matter

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Back at it again with another chapter. This one took a little longer cuz of some shit so it's kinda trash.

Kikyo's Pov

Just get to school and ignore the pain that's pissing you the fuck off.

As I got closer to the school gates, I noticed a crowd of reporters near the front gates.

You have got to be fucking kidding me.

I rolled my eyes and started to push my way through, without having anyone touching my burns from the previous day. Unfortunately, while being asked thousands of questions, a reporter thought it would be a good idea to place their hand on my right shoulder. I squeaked in pain with a scary aura and my anger leaking out, turning to the scared reporter.

"You have three seconds to say your last words, you can run but it won't matter." I threatened with a calm but scary voice.

I felt someone place their hand on my left shoulder and guide me away from the reporter. I looked up and saw Katsuki with Midoriya, Iida, and Ochaco not far behind.

"They're not worth it," Katsuki stated.

I sighed through my nose and shook off my anger. We went inside the school and walked to class together.

"What was that back there?" Katsuki piped up.

"Nothing, my anger kinda leaked out is all," I explained.

"Leaked?" Katsuki questioned.

"Yes, leaked," I repeated. "I'm usually good at keeping my anger in check but it's the bitch's fault for touching me."

"You have a point but you didn't have to threaten them," Katsuki grunted.

"Says the one that threatens everyone." I shot back.

"OH, WHATEVER!" Katsuki yelled.

I giggled while he opened the door, earning some shocked looks from the class. What do I do? Are we telling people we're soulmates? I mean, I guess we are since some people already know. Do I walk to my desk? Kikyo.exe has stopped working.

"Why are you guys looking at us like that?" I asked.

"It's just we never expected you guys to be friends." A guy with blond hair and a black streak stated.

"Or for Bakugou to have friends." A guy with red spikey hair added on.

Well, that's harsh.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?" Bakugou yelled, angrily.

I think I'm gonna go to my desk now.

I sneakily made my way to my desk and sat down. I spaced out and I know Aizawa was talking cause his mouth was moving but I didn't hear what he was saying. I wasn't even processing it. He was probably talking shit about yesterday and that's something I don't wanna hear right now.

"Rivera," Aizawa called out, grabbing my attention. "What you did was reckless but good quick thinking skills."

"Yes, sir. Thank you, sir." I mumbled, my ears turning red and sinking in my seat.

"Also, I saw you threaten one of the reporters, I expect you to apologize," Aizawa added on.

But why! It was her fault!

"Fine," I grumbled.

Aizawa continued but then I spaced out again. Why do I have to apologize? She's the one that touched my burns. Fucking asshole. Next thing I know we were choosing a class president. There was a lot of yelling over each other and arguing, making my ears ring. I don't really care about being class president, it's not an interest of mine.

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