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Draco woke up and saw around him. He was in Hospital Wig with Harry's bed next to him. He hadn't waken up jet and it made Draco go mad. He moved with speed but it made him growl hard.

Madam Pomfrey came closer and told him about his condition. A almost broken arm. And as for Harry, he hit his head a bit to hard.

He saw Ron, Neville, Hermione and Luna leave as Harry woke up. Madam Pomfrey took them outside. But Malfoy was also a patient so he could stay. He had to stay there untl his arm was better. His hand was conjured and they had to wait for the potions to make effect.

"Harry! How do you fele?"-Draco said sitting next to his bed.

"Ma-Malfoy!"-Harry said as his eyes shut open. He tried to sat up but he had a sharp pain and so he rested in his pillow.

"What were you thinking Potter!"-Draco said blaming him for his broken bones.

"I am Sorry! Are you hurt much?"-He said looking worried and so embarrassed.

"Partly! What happened to you! Where was your brain?!"

"Sorry! I had classes to be and...Oh my God were is the envelope!?"-Harry panicked but couldn't move from pain.

"What envelope?"

"A rose blush envelope...with golden wax!"

"This one!?"-Draco said holding his letter, he had taken from the ground when Harry fell.

"Oh thanks God! Can I have it back please!"-Harry said rubbing the back of his head.

"Nope! Only if I read it first!"-Draco said trying to keep his game going.

"Malfoy !Ahhh..."-he had some pain so he just let him read it out loud. They were alone in there so no problem.

Dear Harry Potter

Its Monday today is your post day...I have noticed someone sends you post in the exact same day every week. So I will sent it in the same day. You are really caring by the way...and nice, and would jump in front of any danger for anyone, I have never meet someone to have the same atributes as you, and I think that is what draws me your way. Harry you need to know something about me and I hope you don't find that disturbing! I am a guy and I am not sure if you like guys or girls. I will understand if you just suddenly start to hate me...I am used to it. I just needed to express these dumb feeling somewhere. I pray to God you don't hate me now that you l am a guy, it would be worse saying this in person...

Yours Truly
Your secret admirer

Draco voice was so soft and emotional...it made Harry think these words came from him and not from the letter .He wasn't mad at his secret admirer and had no problem about him being a guy. He had thought about his sexuality a lot and had told Ron and Hermione about his first boy crush a long time ago, and they had been truly acceptive.

"Wow this must have broken your heart! The sweet admirer turns out to be a guy!"-Draco said playfully as he handed over the letter...

"It really doesn't matter and you don't have to put your nose everywhere Malfoy!"-a part of him still thought Draco was a git, but those silver eyes had corrupted his heart.

"So you're gay?"-Draco said very interested.

"Does that matter?"-Harry said teasingly.

"Depends...."-He said leaving and sitting at his own bed as His friends made their way inside.

"-He said leaving and sitting at his own bed as His friends made their way inside

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They stayed the night there. Giving glares and insults. The morning came and his arm was feeling better. He had to leave and so had Harry.

"See you in Herbiology today Malfoy!"-Harry yelled making Draco grin.

"Shove of Potter!"-He yelled insulting him and than said laughing.-"It's so tiresome seeing your face 24 hours straight! Now we even share classes"

Draco went to his dorms and changed his clothes. He had to take some books and for his surprise he saw a blue moon envelope closed with silver wax stamp. From; Harry Potter To: Dragon...

Wait what? Harry sent him a letter using name!(Dragon means Draco!)Why? How? What? Did he found out?

He opened it carefully and pulled out the transparent white-blue letter. The words were made of Silver ink and his name was stamped like a steal. So royal!

Hi Secret Admirer!

Just so you won't freak out I think I might have  given you a nick name to use because you didn't tell me your name. I choose Dragon because its just practical and short...I am sorry for not replaying to your first letter. I have no idea who you are and all I know is that you are a  guy who fell in love with me and my atributes. Its no problem you are a guy as I don't give it that much attention! And Anyway I would like to know more about you! Your name. Age. What house are you in? What year? Do I know you? Do we share classes? Do I talk to you are we friends? Anything if you would like!

Truly Interested.


Draco breathed out...Harry would never know he was calling him by his real name...For Merlin's sake! He is didn't care he was a guy!?! 'I might have chances!'-Draco thought. His heart was racing from happiness.

He almost fainted when he saw a little note inside the envelope. A small light blue card.

Oh nooo he was late for Herbiology and Potter said he would be looking for him. He had to go before he could get detention.

'Oh Potter!'-he thought putting the blue letter inside a Cute little box and save it among other thinks...it was his treasure!


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