18||Letters From Sisters!🦚

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Christmas was a couple days away and there were still no plans about spending them.

Draco was sitting in the Room Of Requirements (ROR)like every afternoon waiting for a certain raven-haired boy.

*Harry's Pov*

Merlin's beard!!!! How am i going to tell Draco about the letter Andromeda sent me! What if i look weird! What if he doesn't like the idea!What if...No No No i have to think straight!Its not a bad idea after all!I might spent Christmas with him!

I approached the ROR  with my heart speeding like crazy. The door opened and I saw Draco sitting in one of the Armchairs that had appeared in the room.The room was decorated with lots  of trees and jingles. There were mistletoes but I had to make sure to stay away from them i don't want to make the situation awkward with my little crush!

I ran like everyday near my crush and gave him a stare. Omg he is soooo adorable like everyday. I wish he wasn't straight !

"Good afternoon Potter you are late like always! Do I already have to wait you everyday !"-Draco said closing the book he was reading and giving me full attention! Oh i love those mercury eyes.

"Oh come on i wasn't that late!"-I said with no idea what hour was it.

Well he showed me a clock in the wall. It was 9:08.-"Its just 8 minutes past nine, I had to make sure nobody would see me!"-I justified myself. He pretend to ate it.

I opened my homework's and a couple books i brought to read.Draco picked one as he had finished his homework already and after a couple minutes of silence I had to tell him about the letter.

*Draco's Pov*

I bet his hair is soft ...Anyway i have to tell him that my mother sent me a letter! But what if he doesn't want to read it! What if he think it is weird! Ahhhh motherrr!

He looks like he is hiding something though. He looks tense! I have to tell him.

*Third Person Pov*

The situate was really messed up and these two letters were going to make it messier. They both took a deep breath and  started to brake the silence.

"I had to say som..."-They both started but made a nervous laugh.

"You go first!"-Harry said and Draco nodded. It was the time!He pulled out a letter and handed it to Harry. He took it and also handed Draco a letter from Andromeda.

"Omg Aunt Andromeda sent me a letter?Why didn't she just owled me one?"-Draco said a little in shock.

"Well she thought i would make a good owl I suppose?-Harry said and shifted the letter.-"Its from your mother? Too me!!!

"What's the weird tone of surprise? Cant my mother sent letters! I didn't read it though! She said she would hex me, now that she is a free witch, if I opened it!"-Draco said and laughed at the idea of being hexed by her.

"The same goes to Andromeda but she said there would be no sweets for one month if I opened it! I couldn't risk it!"-Now Draco was laughing harder and Harry joined him.After that they both opened the wax stamps  with a slight 'POP' and took the letters. They were both short and well written.

  Andromeda's letter!

Dear Nephew!

I wanted to write you this letter as your aunt because me and Narcisa finally forgave each-other and now we can finally be a little warm family.
I talked with Narcisa and she told me she had changed...you had changed...And that she was sorry for the old days.
If Harry approves we will be spending Christmas all together!

Ps: "Don't show Harry this letter!And you better tell him you are gay! Your mother told me."

Mischievous aunt!

Narcisas letter!

Dear Harry Potter!

My son told me that you were good friends now and I cannot lie...I am very very happy about it!
I wanted to tell you that me and Andromeda finally forgave each-other and if you approve I wanted to ask you as my sisters only family that is left...To spend this Christmas together!
I hope we are not asking for much but Andromeda thought it would be better if I asked !

Ps: "Don't let Draco see the letter! And My sis told me about your feelings about him!"

Sincerely !
Narcisa Black!

"I  FEAR NO MAN!BUT MY AUNT SCARES MY SHIT OUT OF ME!"-Draco said after the end of the letter.

"Let me see."-Harry said and tried to reach the letter.

"No no no! Don't even think about it!"-Draco said .

"Anyway than you wont see mine either!"-Harry found a way to keep him away from the letter.-"So Draco you will be spending Christmas with us! You can finally see Teddy!"

"So you approved?! But why would you..."

"Come on! Draco I wont let you have a boring Christmas in that big cold manor all alone with your mother! And why did she wrote Narcisa Black here?"-Harry asked to change the theme.

"She changed her last name before being released by the house arrest they had sent for her! Thanks to you of course, now she is a free witch and decided to leave the past behind!"-Draco explained with sparkles in his silver eyes.

"Amazing! You have a proper family afterwards!  I hope!"-Harry lowered his head and Draco looked at him.

"You miss them don't you?"

"Every single day! Sirius promised we would be a proper family the last time I saw him at the place...Lupin told me that he wanted me to be his sons godfather and so the bounds would strength. And Tonks...oh that charming lady with her lame jokes...she was young!"-Harry said as A tear fell and Draco wipes it.

"They will live always in our hearts Harry! Men up and start living the present! Nothing and nobody can  change the past!"-Draco said and leaned closer to Harry.-"Need a hug?"

He sniffed and nodded to him. Draco wrapped his hand around him making him feel safe and warm.

"Mistletoe! They are full of Nargles!"-Draco said awkwardly shortly after the hug.


"Luna told me when she was at the mansion!Never explained what they were though!-Draco said and kissed Harrys forehead for the sake of the mistletoe.-"Shortie!"

"Don't ruin the moment Malfoy!!!"-Harry yelled blushing red like hell...

The moment lasted a little now it was time to plan some Christmas atmosphere!

"We need to buy some gifts tomorrow!"-Harry said.

"I will ask Minerva for that! She started to like me so we have higher expectations!"-Draco said and sat up to remove the mistletoe above them.

"Well tomorrow let it be! Lets finish these homework's though!"

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