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'What is happiness?...A lot of people have been trying to find an answer in decades.So have I...
Looking back in years I always thought happiness was a new hairstyle or a new flavor candy. I was always wrong.Finally I know what happiness for me means.It is a warm hug after a long tiring day and a kiss from your favorite person.Whatever...happiness can be found even in the darkest days of our life.All you need is a good person to be there with you!I have chosen that person to be you Harry...I do!'-Draco said.

"Good!..Do you Harry James Potter take Draco Lucius Malfoy as your lawful husband?"

Harry blushed and looked into the shiny mercury eyes filled with love and happiness.He inhaled slowly not wanting to show his excitement and soon said.-"I do!"


It had been a couple years since they had made the vows and where the power couple of the magical world.

Harry made it to be head Auror at the Ministry of Magic with full grades just like every other Auror.

Draco finished a specialization as a Healer and worked part time but actually spends most of his time home taking care of Teddy who now was a troubled maker Toddler just like his mother.

After the honeymoon Andromeda and Narcisa who had a large amount of money stuck on their vault started to travel from one place to another which was good for the new couple.

As for Teddy he liked spending time with Victoria(Bill and Flyer's girl) at the Weasleys whenever they had dinner there.

Hermione and Ron had moved in their own house married and waiting for a baby to come.Knowing that they had to name the baby after a flower they where going to name her Rose.(Remember the Vow Ron made at the Truth Dare Kiss or Swear)

Luna and Ginny where having their best time around Europe traveling and meeting new people.As for Blaise and Pansy they had also moved together a couple blocks away from the 12 Grimmauld place where Draco and Harry lived.

As for Blaise and Pansy they had also moved together a couple blocks away from the 12 Grimmauld place where Draco and Harry lived

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"Baby did you see my keys?"-Draco said panicked.-"I have to find them before..."

"Draco calm down dear.Everything is going to be alright!"-Harry said fixing his tie and giving him the keys.-"Don't forget the cake!"

"I won't!"-Draco said giving Harry a quick kiss and than running outside.

It was Teddy's birthday and they where planing a big surprise party for him.Knowing he didn't had his biological parents he really needed some friends and family to make him happy.

Teddy actually was hanging out with Blaise and Pansy for a little until they had the place ready for the big birthday Party.

Harry was making some cupcakes in the kitchen using sprinkles and chocolate chips.He had macaroons in the stove and biscuits ready to be baked.They looked yummy!

How did Teddy react to having two dads?

Could he be more happy to have two overprotective lovely dads that could give him the wold if he wanted?!Nope and that's what makes Teddy the most behaved troublemaker toddler of all times.Although he got really jealous when Harry and Draco told him that they might bring a sister brother for him.It was still a work on process but Harry really wanted another kid around the house.

After Harry finished with baking the door opened and a happy Draco walked in and gave Harry a back hug.-"Got everything?"

"Yeah I packed almost everything I could find in the kitchen.Did you take the cake?"-Harry said and Draco just kissed his neck.

"Yes Baby I did!Now can I take you?"-the blonde said acting like a true gentleman.

Harry took the baskets with the desserts and Draco took the cake and a small box with something alive inside it both Apperating to a well known place in Denmark.

The Weasley's had done a fantastic job with the decorations and with the picnic tables.-"They are here!"-Narcisa announced.

"We have the cake and the gift!"-Draco said giving the boxes to George.

"And I have the desserts!"-Harry reached to the table and landed the baskets in front of Andromeda and Moly.

Victoria was running around the cherry trees with her small kitten in her arms as Charles tried to tie her long blonde hair.Yes she was a Veela just like her mother and her looks where charming even for a 6 yeas old toddler.

By the time tables where ready and everyone was sitting on their seats.Blaise and Pansy Apperated holding a dizzy Teddy on their arms.

Teddy looked around in pure shock and happiness.-"For me!"-He mumbled and went to hug Draco and Harry who had been waiting for this moment since the morning.

"For you!"-Draco said looking at how his hair changed from blue to yellow in a blink.

Everyone sat around-the table.Lets make a list of the people in the table near the lake in Denmark.Harry, Draco, Teddy, Ron, Hermione, Blaise, Pansy, Luna, Ginny, Victoria, Flyer, Bill, Charlie, Arthur, Andromeda, Narcisa, Moly, George and Percy who where all sitting on the long table around the cherry trees.

"Do you want to open your present first?"-Harry asked as Draco took the little brown box with the breathing creature inside it.

"Yes dad!"-Teddy said and Draco gave him the box.

As soon as the lid was lifted and Teddy had seen the creature inside it he left out a small yell of happiness.-"A puppy!"-He said squeaking.

"You wanted a puppy because Victoria got a kitten so we did get ot for you!"-Harry said.

Teddy took the puppy in his arms hugging him and petting him.-"I love it...Thanks dads!"


-After the cake and some other presents.

"I would like to propose a toast..."-Harry said sitting up and everyone in the table took their glasses and held them

"A toast for peace and happiness!"-Harry said and all the glasses clicked together making a lot of sounds.

"I would like to propose a toast too..."-Draco said and also sat up holding Harry on a side hug.-"A toast for our Savior without who...we wouldn't have been cheering up and happy as we are!"

The laughs and glass click became even louder.-"A toast for life!"

The end!

And the book is over kids!Enjoy what's left of the real world and thanks for being with me the whole entire book!I love you all guys!Take care and please don't stop being what you love to be!I also have other plans for books in the feature and I h...

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And the book is over kids!Enjoy what's left of the real world and thanks for being with me the whole entire book!I love you all guys!Take care and please don't stop being what you love to be!I also have other plans for books in the feature and I have published a lot of books go check'em out!

Bye 👋🏻

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