19||Caught on act!🕺🏼

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After that long night of letters and mistletoes they slept at the ROR just to wake up at morning by a shouting Harry and a confused Draco.

"Its 8:30!!!!"

"So what?"-Draco said and shifted in his bed.

"Breakfast was served half an hour agoo!!!Move that slytherin ass right now!"-Harry said as he wore his robes and changed from the previous ones.

"We can skip today nobody is gonna notice."-the blonde said wearing his tie upside-down.-"How do i fix this thing??"-He said pointing at his tie that was more like a green ribbon at the moment of talking.

"What!?Have you never fixed a tie before?Magic or without?"-Harry said as he fixed his own. He moved closer to Draco and grabbed his tie. It was a mess! But Harry was doing his best.

"Pansy always does it for me and i kinda ...just... got... used to it.."-They were super close and the blonde git could hear Harrys slow but heavy breathings as he tried to fix Draco's tie . He stuttered and that was new!

"Here boy...Now its ready we have to go we are lateeee! Move!"-Harry said but Draco didn't move.


"I said lets moveee!"

"Before that?"

"We are late..?"

"Further more?"



"So what you are a girl now?"-Harry said and laughed at that sentence.

"Don't you dare!-"-Draco said angrily but adorably.

"You are so cute just like a little fangirl!Lovely...!"-Harry teased furthermore.

"Did you...just...CALLED ME CUTE AND LOVELY??? POTTER, MALFOYS ARE NOT CUTEEE!!! I am stabby!"-He said but Harry ignored him.

"Does this cute baby need a ride because we are LATE.!"-Harry said and he grabbed Draco like a sack of potatoes and held him in his shoulder facing down.-"Sure SHE does!"

"POTTER I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL HEX YOU! LET ME DOWNNNNN! LET ME GO..."-Draco said but at that time Harry just grabbed the bags and headed outside the ROR and was making the way to the first class that morning.

Draco was yelling that he would hex Harry when suddenly they found someone waiting for them outside the classroom door. Headmistress Minerva herself. She gave them a interested look and they could bet her lips curled in a smile a little bit. Harry dropped Draco lightly but he let out a shirk.

"Were have you two been? How many rules have you broken by not returning in your dorms last night?"-She erupted like a volcano and that was it they were domed!

"We can explain!"-They said in unison.

"No not even one other word! My office now!"-She cat them of .

They made no sound but just gave each other a look and almost exploded into laughter and that didn't passed by unnoticed.


"Explain i am listening!"-She said after Draco and Harry took a seat near her desk.

The office hadn't changed a lot. The instruments were replaced by books and other hand written notes and notebooks. The portraits hung in the walls and Harry noticed Snapes and Dumbledoors ones. They were both staring at the duo of troublemakers.

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