35||It's over!🐣

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Harry ran outside the common room his note in his hand and in the other one his wand.He still couldn't believe it was her all the time...If was her who obliviated Hagrid,who threatened him,who stalked him the past months...It was getting hard to believe.

He didn't command his legs and they automatically took him to the headmistress office.He said a password to the gargoyle and hopped to the moving stairs.

When the door opened he was greeted by a warm smile from Minerva McGonegall.-"Hello Potter...What brings you here!"-She greeted warmly.

Harry stood there the letters and the note in his hand his wand still out.-"Why..."-He asked softly his voice hiding every crack it might get.

"Why what?"-Minerva asked keeping her tone.

"Why did you had to play this game Headmistress?"-Harry asked throwing the letter and the note in the table so she could see them.

McGonegall pressed her glasses in her nose bridge.-"What does this all mean Potter?Be more specific please..."

"I know it was you sending the threatening notes,I know it was you I have proves and my brain just can't understand why did you do all this Headmistress...Why?"-Harry said raising his tone a little.

"Potter sit down please...you might want a biscuit?"-She said calmly.

"Is this a joke?"-Harry whispered laughed nervously.-"Because I don't understand a shit no more!"

A big owww came from a portrait behind Harry.Minerva moved from her place and took out a letter.-"If you shut up and sit there...I give you this letter!Its more important than what you have to say."-She said and putted the letter in her side.

Harry went to grab the letter but Minerva took it away.-"Listen to me first!"

"Okay I am listening!"-Harry said and sat down angry rage going down his veins right now.

Minerva sat down again her letter in her hand.-"When you and Draco firstly started to become friends I could see the way you looked at his eyes,It was the same look James would give to Lily when they first meet,even though Lily would throw him away he still had that look in his eyes.Andromeda told me that you started liking boys after the forth year,and we all knew you and Draco would last long and tell your feelings however, you lasted more than we thought!"

Harry was confused.-"We?"

"Well I had a bet on who would tell who first and the bet was between me, Pomfrey,Andromeda and Narcisa.Lets not count the dead boys Severus and Albus they have the bet of their own anyway!"-Minerva said and the two headmaster portraits went blank...Looked like they both needed a brake in the same time. 😉

"I am sorry but this is my love life we are talking about..."-Harry said still confused even though he had an urge to laugh in the top of his lungs.

"Yes however we wanted you two to become a couple so badly that we made detentions and trips only to make you two fall in love properly...Well it worked until Draco started to step back!"-Minerva prouted.

"Wonder why!"-Harry mumbled under his breath.

"Anyway!I expected you to find out more fast Draco already found out this afternoon.He was here ten minutes ago!"-She said and now she held the letter out for him.

"So everything is over now?Finally?"-Harry said and took the letter.

"This is the last think I will do about you and Draco and listen carefully Harry!Your fears aren't letting you see past the glass and a lot of things aren't as they look like...Be careful Harry!"-Minerva said and she flicked her wand and the letter closed again.-"Don't open it here!"

"But...Why are you doing all this?"-Harry asked being a dumbass right now.

"I have been explaining that for the past hour but it looks like your brain is to little for that!"-Minervas mumbled.-"Because I am old and I don't have any other think to pass the time with also I like everyone else want to see you happy after all what happened !Also the letter is from a boy who wanted to sent it to you...It sequestered it from him in the forth year.I couldn't let him sent it to you because it would mess things up but I really regret doing so..!"

Harry nodded.

"Also nice tattoo by the way!"-Minerva said smirking a little.

Harry blushed and covered his face lightly.-"You are dismissed!"-Minerva said and Harry started to walk out.

"Thanks for the talk!"-Harry said and git out.He couldn't wait to open the letter.Why was he such a magnet to boys?Was he the reason they where gay now?

Draco was probably searching for him now.But he really had to read the letter first.Draco could wait but his curiosity couldn't!

He slowly unwrapped the letter and took out a bluish thin paper-letter.The handwringing was really detailed and had stars and hearts here and there.

Harry Potter!

I know for you it is strange to see me writing a letter for you and you are right.I have started 20 letters by now and I really can't find the words to put inside it or how to connect the words...
Believe me it is hard for me too...
You are going through the final faze at the Twizard Tournament and I am really scared on what can happen to you...I am a little jealous of that Cedric boy...They say you two had something going on and that hit me like a bullet...
I am sorry for being mean to you Harry...I am sorry for everything I have done to you in years!
I am sorry for bugging you,for being an asshole ...it was all because I am in-mature and selfish but if you want me to change I will!
All I wanted was you to be my friend and maybe later even more but you just refused me!
I can't do it anymore...I can't lose you!I don't want to lose you!So please...please win that tournament and come back alive!
I always wanted you to know that I love you Harry fucking Potter!
I love you more than everything!

With love...
Your friend-enemy !

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