34||It can't be her!👜

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Harry took the left turn and entered to woods.He had just visited Hagrid with Ron and Pansy and in the way out he made a second thought on going back to try the Patronus charm.

He was thinking of his best memory,He already knew it was a memory with Draco.It was more like a big combination of memories, smiles, kisses, cuddles, touches, jokes and laughter...

He entered in the water until the water touched his knees.He took position and pointed the wand in the air.

"Expecto Patronus!"-He said thinking of-the memory focusing on his love.

The silver blue string got out of the top of the wand forming a small little creature...it looked like a rat but it was bigger...It started to float around him and Harry found out wha it was...It was a small ferret.

"What the fu...!"-Harry almost said but than he smiled a tear running down his face.

He knew it represented Draco maybe it was because of the memory he used maybe it was because that was what his heart wanted the most.

Soon it vanished and Harry got out of the water.He went to the place he had left his jacket and shoes to find another note from that stalker .

Tonight is the last warning!
If you don't show each other your secrets we will!At the Astronomy Tower!

Tip:Just cast the patronuses and every secret will show itself!

Harry threw the note like it had a diseases.Did Draco receive the same note!?What if he didn't and it was only for Harry?But he had to show it to him.

What if the person to write the letters was really going to tell Draco about his love!That would end their friendship!That would devastate him!That would kill him once and for all!

He had to do something.Harry took his shoes and Jacket wore them and run to the castle.He didn't find Draco anywhere in the castle,he looked everywhere even in the Slytherin dorms.

Draco was nowhere to be found!He wasn't in any place!Harry even looked at the quidditch pitch but nothing.He was starting to get worried.

Harry hurried to the Gryffindor common rooms to find Ron and Hermione.He had a plan and it was not really likely to become true but he had to try.

"Frizzy Breath!"-He said to the portrait and it opened.Harry entered the room a little panicked taking some second years attention.

He saw Ron and Hermione on the couch against the fireplace.He hadn't noticed that outside was almost as cold as my ex's heart and this room was heavenly warm! He coughed to get these lovebirds attention which did work.

"Oh hey Harry!Did you find Draco?"-Hermione asked the second she noticed that Harry was there.

"No I am starting to get worried!"-Harry said with the worst expression in his face.

"Come on mate lets take a drink and talk!"-Ron said and offered Harry something that looked like butter-beer.

"Thanks man!"-Harry said taking the drink and chucking the whole think.-"Now let's talk!"-He said and took out the note.

"Tonight is the last warning!
If you don't show each other your secrets we will!At the Astronomy Tower!...and it also says...Tip:Just cast the patronuses and every secret will show itself!"-Hermione red it out loud and than put a hand on her mouth.-"Why does this handwriting look so oddly familiar to me!"

Ron and Harry looked at Hermione confused AF.-"Hermione do you understand that I have shown you 10-20 notes like this,and you say this now!"-Harry said his eyebrows making an arched V.

"You never lend me the letters!You always reeded them out loud!"-Hermione said calmly.

"Can you recognize the handwriting?"-Ron asked rubbing her hand softly.

"No...But I must have a similar letter with this handwriting in my letters box!"-Hermione said and Ron facepalmed.

"Hermione do you understand that,that box of letters contains 30000 letters!"-Ron complained slightly.

"We have no other choice!"-Harry said and sat up.-"Bring the box here!We have to start searching ASAP!"

"Okay!On it!"-Hermione said leaving to go to the girls dorms.

"Harry have you ever thought why is this person doing all this!"-Ron said and took another butter-beer from the table handing it to him.

"I have Ron!And all that comes in my mind is probably someone who wants to make me feel pain!"-He said and took a sip of the butter-beer.

"Look!When we find who this person is...you can go and ask him/her for it!Maybe they give you a proper answer!"-the ginger head said.

Harry nodded and after a few seconds Hermione came down the stairs with a big box in her hand.

"If I am right...the letter should be somewhere here!"-Hermione said and took the note from Harry.-"Every single letter should be compared to this one!"

"Got it!"-The boys said and started to take the letters one by one.

The box was big and some letters where really confusing but none of them seemed to be the same with the note.Hermione complained several times that she had so much letters in the box and the boys seemed to agree with her.

Rob even found a letter from Victor Crum and that made him get really angry!He almost ripped it apart.

Harry found all the letters he had ever sent to Hermione and almost teared up when he realized she had kept the all.

Hermione even found her Hogwarts acceptance letter she didn't even open it because it always made her feel sad.

But the end of the box came and no letter was found.Harry yelled from pain knowing that everything would be over in a few hours without that letter.He had planed to jump of the astronomy tower before Draco find out about the secrets.

"Harry.I think this is it..."-Hermione said as Ron was still going through the letters one more time.

"I guess I will pack my things and go to Hell than!"-Harry said without the slightest doubt in the voice.He was dead serious about this shit!

Ron was getting uncomfortable and was doing everything to find the letter until his hand touched the Hogwarts acceptance letter.He turned it around and than he took the note...-"Guys!"

"Not now Ron!"-Hermione said still debating with Harry.

"Guys I found it!"-Ron whisper yelled again.

Harry and Mione looked at his direction and snatched the letter from his hands and than compared it to the note.

"It can't be her!"-Harry mumbled softly...-"It doesn't make sense!"

Sooo...Who is the person?!I think you already know.Anyway.This story has to end somehow so this is the best way to do this!
Also guys it was fun to have you reading this.Wait the story hasn't ended yet!It will have another 5-6 Chapters because I said so!

Enjoy 😉

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