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After match Draco stood longer at the tent.He really regretted telling him I love you in that condition and he really needed a good lie to come up with so Harry wouldn't think of him as a freaky man.

He saw the tent curtains open and Harry coming through them.The team had already left so they where alone.-"I said don't cheat Draco!"-Harry said red from who knows what.

"I didn't cheat!"-Draco hissed as he removed his pads.

"Yes you did!You distracted me!"-Harry said and kicked the pads away.

"Calm down!Its just a game...plus you asked me last night.You said do you love me...and I said yes I do!"-Draco said sitting up and revealing the hight difference between them.

Harry felt smol.-"You could've said it last night or in other conditions."

"I thought I would forget."-Draco said sassily.

"So which of 100 types of love?"-Harry asked smiling widely.

"The one as my life's best part of it!"-Draco scoffed.

Harry's smile vanished. Why doesn't he admit it already! What if he was wrong and Draco really didn't love him?

He needed to test Draco!-"Draco you said you know Dragon..."-Harry started.

Draco who now was changing his shirt stoped.-"Yeah so..."

"I know who he is...And I am 99% sure it is him but I want to know for sure...So I need your help with something..."-Harry said verifying Draco's face for signs.

Draco gulped slowly.-"Who is him?"

"I wont tell you...But he is a Slytherin."-Harry said and Draco gulped again.

"There are only 10 Slytherins from this 8-th year you know that..."-Draco said his face full of worries.

"Yeah and that's why I need your help...So meet me at our tree place this afternoon and I will tell you the details."-Harry said and rushed out.

Leaving Draco with thoughts. The 8th year Slytherins where all strong and hot and super fit...what if Harry's secret love was one of them?

Draco sat down his face between his hands.This mess was going to embarrass him desperately and was probably going to sapurate him from Harry.

He shouldn't have written those letters he should have stayed friends until the end...but no he wanted to say I love you and kiss him...Thinking that Harry fucking Potter would like him back.Pathetic!


Harry had made a plan in his brain and It was functional in there but he didn't knew if it was actually going to work in real life.

He crossed his fingers and hoped that it would work.It was already afternoon so Harry took his bag of letters with him.

The way to the tree was short and he made it with one breath.He found Draco playing with some flowers.-"Hey Draco!What are you doing?"

"Making a flower crown..."-Draco said not looking up at all.

"I didn't knew you could do such things!"-Harry said and sat besides him looking at every move Draco did with the small winter-flowers.

"It's one of my many hidden talents!"-Draco said as he finished the crown and put it on Harry.-"Now it is complete!"

Harry blushed but he kept the flower crown on.-"I love it!Thanks..."

Draco took the bag Harry had brought.-"What is inside?"


Draco gulped.Was this his end?-"Why did you bring them?"

"I wanted your help!Are you helping me or not!"-Harry asked his eyes looking straight at Draco's scared pair.

"Yeah of course...what can I do?"-Draco asked his voice cracking a little.

"So first of all listen to my theory."-Harry said and Draco nodded.-"You know this guy I really like, that I kissed and have a tattoo of him in my collarbone...he's a Slytherin and"-Harry looked at Draco's sad almost braking down face and than continued.-" he might love me back...But of course I am not sure because I didn't let him finish when I kissed him once because I obliviated him shortly after..."

Draco heard Harry his heart being shattered to small dusty powder.-"And what does Dragon enter here?"

"I think it might be him...I am not sure! But what I need you to do is support me cause I am really freaking out if something goes wrong!"-Harry said satisfied that his plan was working as he wished.

"That's all you need me for?"-Draco aid sadly.-"Why don't you just tell me who it is."

"I will but when I am sure it is him! Omg this looks like a dream to me...and If I am lucky it will become true! I was wishing to meet him again one of these days and tell him...But I need one more thing to find out if this is true!"-Harry said almost faking his excitement.

Draco was about to bloat from anxiety.-"You will hurt yourself...he won't love you back!"

"How dare you! Of course he will! I know he will! I said support me not make worse Draco!"-Harry said becoming nervous.

"I don't know Harry...I don't want to see you sad again...if he is a jerk just tell me and I will kick the man out of him!"-Draco said side hugging Harry.

"Thanks!"-Harry said and smiled softly hiding the smile from Draco.-"Don't forget to come at the Room of Requirements tomorrow night!"

"I won't."-Draco said firmly.-"I have to go now...Blaise said he wanted to discuss about the game ."

"Okay see you around!"-Harry said and they both sat up.And Draco left.

Harry took of his crown and putted it inside a book so it wouldn't get ruined. His heart was beating like a alarm clock and his breath was heavy. Draco might love him and that was better than not none at all.

The final stage was tomorrow and he was nervous as hell.Would Draco pass it? Harry wished and entered the castle to meet Hermione and Pansy to talk about what just happened.

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