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He enter the greenhouse with a lightning speed.

"You are late Malfoy!"-The old teacher said.

"Sorry professor I had to go back in my dorms to take the book."-Draco lied.

"Please sit somewhere! There! Near Potter is a spare place."-She said and than started talking about the new lesson about some talking plants.-"You will be working on pairs to change these talking plants pots and replace their old ones with new ones."-She started to make the pairs based on the way they where seating so that meant they would be working together.

The boys saw each other and than opened their books to look up the work.

"I will take the plant!"-Harry said not looking up.

"I will take the pot and the dirt!"-Draco said also not looking up.

Harry took plant from his professors desk and went back to Draco. He was holding the plant in his hand when the plant started to talk.

"Nice Butt Blondie!"- The plant said than went back to looking like a plant.

Harry was stunned and shocked  and so was Draco which turned to see who was talking! It was Harry and a plant.

"Draco I swear it was the plant! I mean it talked...I swear I have nothing to do with this!"-Harry said trying to not raise his voice.

"Mr.Potter lower your voice."-The proffesor said.

"I am sorry.. but what? You are blaming a little plant for complimenting my butt? A plant Potter! A regular rossmarine plant!"-Draco said teasing just to make Harry feel ashamed...he knew it was the talking plant but he wanted to make this more exciting. 

"Mr.Malfoy stop chatting."-Professor noticed it and yelled again.

"I wasn't me! Why would I?!"-Harry said but he knew that ass was a fine ass after all.  Draco saw him stare.

"Potter stop it...Stop staring at my butt...its creepy!"-He said faking being disturbed. Making Harry go through all shades of red from embarresment. 

"Okay you two! Go to McGonegall after classes! After if I hear one more word I will get you two out of here."-The old woman said and left to see others.

"Sorry!"-they both said as they started to properly plant the little flower.


"It's all your fault Potter!"-Malfoy said as they made their way to their detention classroom.

"You know it wasn't me!"-Harry said looking him in the eye and smirking.-"And it did turn out that the "regular rossmarine" plant can talk! Fight me on that."

"Don't make me Potter!"-Draco said pulling out his wand, not to harm him but just to accept the fight. But so did Harry.

"Wands down students!"-They turned and saw that Headmistress Minerva was standing inside the classroom...-"You had detention? Potter I am amazed and Malfoy I didn't except this from a Prefect!"

"It was his fault!"-they both said in the same time.

"I understand! Maybe cleaning these boxes full of letters will help you find whose fault it was."-she said pointing at four big boxes full of paper and letters.

"What are these?"

"trash letters. You will read and selection every letter and paper in these other empty boxes."

"What are these letters?"-Harry asked.

"These are letters and papers found around the school or even trash letter with notes, important but lost papers, book pages or even love letters...Be careful not to lose any. Place them in sapurate boxes...like notes...drawings...personal letters...school documents. Oh and...Have fun."-She said leaving the classroom.-"Don't kill or hex each-other I procces."

"Fuck!"-Harry sweared..

"Language Potter!"-Draco said taking one of the boxes.

They started the selection  and stayed in silence for a while but Harry broke it after he found something.

"Is this the drawing you made in third year for me?"-he showed him a little paper of harry and his broom getting hit by a lightning.

"Omg yes! You didn't keep it? So bad this broke my heart."-he said jokingly.

"It was nonsense in that time for me."-Harry said.

"Just put it in the drawing box."-Draco said.

"Never! I have to show it Teddy when he grows up!"-Harry said bursting into laughter.

"Why?"-Draco said lit up by the answer.

"He needs to know about his new fathers friends being so annoying."-Harry said not understanding he just called Draco a friend!-"Plus this is a piece of art.

"Did you mean enemies !"-Draco said arching an eyebrow.

"Ughh..Why can't we just leave the past behind and be friends for once!"-Harry said making Draco give him a confused stare.

Draco was processing it! Me and my crush... friends....Damn yes!

"Are you sure you didn't got hit by an Imperio or something?"-Draco said teasing him.

"No! I am no. Let me start it from the beginning...My name is Harry Potter...Would you like to be my friend!?-He said as he placed his hand ready to shake it.

"My name is Draco, Draco Malfoy..."-he said and shook his hand just like it should have happened since first year.-"Now what?"

"Now I think we can continue with being friends and not insult anymore."

"No insults are part of my being!"-Draco said as he made a perfect smile...that Harry had never ever seen. It made his heart skip some beats. this was getting rapid now, why the hell was he feeling like this every-time Draco did something out of his character?

"I didn't knew you could smile like that?"-Harry said still staring at him.

"Potter! You are being so creepy...I must underline AGAIN...-"Draco said totally feeling his cheeks heat.

"Well...it worked out well .You are blushing or is that just bad light?"-Harry said laughing jokingly.

"Its your eye sight 100%! Wipe you glasses!"-Draco said sending some letters on Harry's way.

"Well I cant see without them!"-He said but Draco decided to play a prank on him. He took his glasses and waited for Harry to react.

"Malfoy this is not a joke give them back!"-Harry said jumping in his legs.

"Stop running around ..I cant see well!"-He added again.

Draco putted the glasses on and realized how bad his eye sight is..."I didn't knew you had such a bad eye sight! God did someone drop you when you where a baby?"-Draco said handing over the glasses as Harry was making a mess with the boxes.

"No. As you see!"-Harry said pulling back the boxes.

"Well better than being blind I suppose!"-Draco said and turned to his part of the boxes.


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