39||Blissful Lips!🌸

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Harry woke up next morning freezing from the cold.He had seen such a beautiful dream last night.It was to beautiful to be real and Harry knew he didn't had to get his hopes so high.

He opened his eyes slowly the cold breeze filling his lungs just to find out that he wasn't in his room or in ROR...and last night wasn't a dream.

He inhaled and smiled widely starting to make his way back to the castle.He really had to prepare things...First of all he had to meet Hermione and than start to thing about what comes next.

He meet Hermione at the common rooms as she was reading a large book from library.She jumped when she found out Draco loved Harry back and happy laughter woke up everyone in the Gryffindor's dorms!

So he didn't meet Draco even though Hermione told him that he had been looking everywhere in the castle last night really sad and almost crying.Indeed he made his way up to his room and changed his clothes because they where dirty and dusty.He fixed his glasses and sat in his desk.

He picked up a letter and and started to write something.The words came naturally one by one.And soon he had a not so long letter ready.He picked a light sky-blue envelope and sealed it with some silver wax.

After that he run to the Owlery and gave it to Ron's owl and sent it to Draco.He hoped Draco would show up in time.His heartbeat was still high and he couldn't do anything to relax it.


Draco was standing in the dark of his room rethinking everything he told Harry and why he just left and didn't turn back...What if something happened to him?What if he got hurt?

He smashed the last glass left in the desk behind the wall and saw how the shatters started to cover the place for the 10th time that hour.

A large thud came from the window...an big bird had crushed himself in the window and he was holding a letter in his beck.

Draco sat up with slowed down moves.He opened the window and took the bird inside.He looked like he had been crushed by a train and drowned in the lake.

He took the letter and he knew the wax stamp.It was from Harry!Wait why would Harry want-to write a letter?He can just come and say something himself.

Something sounded wrong but he just opened the letter before jumping to conclusions.He slowly ripped the envelope open and took out the letter.

Hey Draco!

Strange of me to write you a letter
isn't it?
Don't worry things are okay.I am sorry that I left last night...I found out something and I really didn't had time to explain.
So I am 10000% sure this boy I told you I like is the one writing me the letters.
I am meeting him tonight...But firstly I wanted to meet you at the common place (ROR) at 11 pm.
Please don't be late this time!

With love!

Draco took his pillow to muffle the screaming.How could be Harry so dumb?To see that he was the one sending the letters...Why was he so blinded by the love for this guy!?

Why couldn't Draco be this guy!?Was he better than him?He could give 10000% more love that that stupid Slytherin!

But anyway he had to be there for Harry.To 'support' him.


Draco had been waiting in the Room of Requirements for longer than half an hour because he didn't wanted to be late again.He had turned the room in something relaxing with lots of flowers and soft pillows.He even took a fire whiskey for after Harry would leave so he would drink his sorrow out.

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