25||Train and tattoo!🎯

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It was morning...everything was ready for the Christmas holidays.Draco had his cases ready.He was sitting in a bench outside waiting for his friends to show up so they would be able to go to the train together...He would be joining Potters family for Christmas.By the way...where is Harry Potter?


"Go easy!"-Harry said softly.

"I am trying...Stop moving so much!"-Pansy said back.-"I can't hold the needle right!"

"Is it finished yet!?"-Harry said in a little pain.

"Almost!You are so bad in this job!"-Pansy said moving the tattoo needle up and down carving a name in his skin.-"Why him?Do you love Draco?"-Pansy asked Harry and raised a eyebrow.

"No we are friends.I just want to have it.He has it why not me!"-Harry said as now the pain was going away.

"Done!"-Pansy said and Harry breathed out.

"Finally!We agreed in not telling Draco about this!Did we..."-Harry said wearing his shirt back.

"Yes I wont tell him about the name!I promised ."-Pansy said and gave him a wink.

"We need to go now!Guys must be waiting for us.Remember not a word!"

"Of course baby boy!"-Pansy said and took her thinks back at her little backpack.

They left and went outside to meet the others.Pansy's face was shining and had a devilish smile in it.Harry hoped she wouldn't tell anyone about the stupid decision he had made to do a tattoo with Draco's name on it!

"Where were you two!We have hours waiting outside here.Its freezing!"-Ron said pulling his cloak closer.-"I had to hear Draco talk about you for one hour straight!Its not fun believe me..."-He was cut off from an elbow in his ribs by Draco.-"Sh-sorry!"

"Let's go the train leaves in a while!We don't wanna miss it!"-Ginny said and took her cases maybe even some of Luna's.


"This is the only container that i found empty! "-Blaise said opening the door for the others.

"It stinks!"-Draco complained.

"Someone must have vomited here!"-Luna said closing her nose slightly.

"Let me use some charms for it!"-Hermione said saving the day.


The train had started to move.The container was cleaned and now our couples are sitting next to each-other.Making little conversations, cuddling, kissing, making little plans...until...

"So Harry became a man today!"-Pansy said out loud.And all heads turned to her.

"Pans!!You promised!"-Harry whisper-yelled.

"Wait hear me until the end..."-Pansy said and winked.-"Harry made a tattoo and he didn't cry! He is officially a man!"-The container filled with laughter and some gasps.

"We already know about the Hungarian Horntail! It was just a rumor!"-Ron said .

"No its a new one!A name somewhere in his body!"-Pansy said.

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