10||Best Friends!🥨

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Dear Harry!

Everything is okay my friends are healthy, my life is okay...As for your questions, I understood I am into guys in my second year since in  the first year I was in denial, In fact you were me first and my last crush and that can make you think I am creepy but no I don't stalk you or anything!
What do you mean with researches? Are you trying to find out who I am?
I can't tell you!
You will be super disappointed!
I am probably not the person you wait for! It's not like I am shy or anything

Yours Truly

"Creepy."-Draco said in the end.-"I think he is crazy...I don't really like the way he likes you since second year! What the heck..."

"I didn't expect this...but it's okay he might understand that we can be friends..."-Harry said looking at the sky.

"What do you mean with research?"-Draco asked now personally.

"The other night...I sent the letter when   my dorm mates were asleep, so I could see if he was a Gryffindor! The letter never came and no one was out of bed..."-He looked at Draco who was seeing in total confusion.-"So the result is that he might be a Slytherin or a Ravenclaw!"

"You are taking this to far! If he wants to stay hidden that means he has a reason! Harry don't act brainless!"-Draco said giving him a love advice for the first time.

"You are right but..."

"No but-s...You will end that crazy research until he wants you to know who he is!"

"Okay as you say."


"Oh come on!"

Draco gave him a glare. It made Harry develope his sympatyness.

"I promise!"-Harry said and ate a tart from the kitchen food. And than opened the fire-whisky...-"Want some?!"

Draco nodded and took a glass. It was awesome and very hard.-"How did you sneak this inside the dorms?"

"Well! Being the savior of wizarding world has it's own benefits!"-Harry said making a bizarre face.

"Harry Potter cant even go in a bookshop without making in the front page!"-Draco teased with his weird voice he did 6 years ago. And than laughed at it.-"I was such an idiot!"

"No you weren't! I mean it wasn't you fault. And that day at the book store...Lockhart just grabbed me and made a photo within minutes...ohhh it is humiliating!"-Harry said covering his face with his hands.

Draco laughed an than just patted his head.-"He paid for it anyway !His memory got erased...some say it was you, some say it was a broken wand! Nobody knows!"

"I do !"-Harry said giving a big smile.-"I mean I was there."

"Huh?!"-Draco gave a confused face. Harry saw it and noticed his eyes shined more than the stars in the sky.

"Well it's a long story!"-Harry said wondering if they were so close to tell him his secrets.

"I know you don't trust me but look... humans change and I would like to know the truth more than anything in the world. We are friends you know!"-Draco said not pleased with the word friends but that was what he got.-"If you tell me your life story I will tell you mine.

"I do trust you but I wonder if you want to hear me and my boring adventures through all these 8 years."-Harry said and looked at the stars.

"I am all ears!"

"So what do you want to know!"

"Everything!"-Draco said and stand up a little to tell him he had his attention!-"But special about the basilisk! Did you really killed a basilisk? Did you got bitten by one? Is it true youhave a tattoo on your back. I mean everything! Please!"-Draco made his wonderful puppy eyes but he looked like a lost kitten.

"Alright! I don't have a tatto by te way!"-Harry laughed and raised his  jumpers arm. A cured big circle showed underneath it. Draco gasped and closed his mouth with his hand.-"Don't worry! It was nothing! I really did kill him...And if you didn't believe me than i will show you the chamber! The basilisks skeleton still lays there."-Harry said and than told him everything about the chamber of secrets. How he  saved Ginny and got cured by a Phoenix.  How Lockhart charm was reversed. How he came to school with a flying car. How he got hit by the wimping willow! How he escaped some giant spiders. How he found Voldemort's first horcruxes the diary! How he destroyed them! Etc etc.

Draco gasped in every hot part. He was nothing like they told he was. He did nothing for fame and never wanted to be part of it. He wanted to be normal!

Than Draco asked him to tell more. Harry told him every detail about the way he survived every year. He told him about the first year and how he killed Professor Quirrel. About his Godfather and Buckbeack. Draco though he got killed and was happy to hear he was alive. He told him about the Twizard Tournament about Cedric's death! He told him about Umbridge! About the ministry. About Sirius death, which was te most emotional part. About seventh year from his perspective. He told him about the hiding and the war! About his parents! About three deathly hallows! Draco gasped even more when he learned Harry had all three deathly hallows. He told him everything except about the abusive Dursley's.

Draco was mind-blown by all those stories about his life.

Than it was Draco's time to tell about his life. Draco told him about his parents. About Bellatrix and how she used to torture him every-time he refused to kill or torture someone. About how he got the dark mark and that was indeed painful taking one. About Voldemort and his stupid plans and meetings. About wanting to make his father proud! About fails and mistakes. He told him he didn't want to kill Dumbledore. He couldn't!

After a long time...They stopped talking and Draco asked about something!-"You were the one who tortured us at the snow that day I teased Ronald and Hermione! With that invisibility cloak you have? And that weird map you have! You have been spying on me all the sixth year I guess! You creepy-..."

"Well that's a different story and its really funny! I had to spy you because I knew you were hiding something! And I was right, for the first time I was right! I also was pissed off that you broke my nose. You had than vanishing cabinet! It wasn't just that. I really did sneak out and heard a lot of things. Like the time you were talking with Severus. And a lot other things!"-Harry ended and laughed at his idiot moves.

"You stalker!"-Draco said smiling.-"I would like to know more about the Chamber of secrets. Maybe I can visit it if you tell me were it is!"

"I can show you one day! You need to know persetounge to open  it!"-Harry said.-"I can escort you!"

"That would be fun!"-Draco said blushing. He couldn't believe he was with Harry making a real conversation for once!

Hours passed and they made all kinds of talks about all different things they liked to do and have. It was nearly morning and they drink all the fire-whiskey and ate almost everything.

They slept there. Near each-other in the grass ground with some blankets on. Harry slept first as he was really tired and then Draco slept near him wondering if it was just a dream and if arry would be there when he wakes up.


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