13||Trip to Paris!🗼

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It was Sunday morning...Draco was staying in his dorm waiting for the time to tick 9 o'clock. Also was really excited about the day of backing the rules and making fun with friends...real friends! He had a long time without having any since the war was over and even before it he didn't had any.

Harry was also awake, wearing some random clothes not really caring about it. Also waiting for the clock to tick 9 o'clock. He packed his invisibility cloak and Draco's extra wand from the war just in case something unexpected happens and they find each other in danger. Since te war it had become a habit, to have an extra wand with him just in case.

-Time skip to 9 o'clock!.

Luna, Ginny, Blaise, Pansy, Hermione, Ron, Draco and finally Harry were in the school entrance waiting for nothing. They were doing random things and just trying to befriend the other Slytherins. Luna was Draco's friend since the Malfoy Mansion incident and was already convinced about Draco's good heart also about his love for Harry. And the other like Ginny and Ron were trying to make more than just peace and be friends. All you could hear were apologizes and thanks. Until Hermione had to make an a short speech about the day they had ahead.

"So boys and girls...McGonegall our favorite Headmistress gave us promise to go and have fun until 9 pm in Hogsmade. But..."-The unsatisfied faces now were lit up and shined, they where going  to have a good time braking some boring rules.-"Yea there is always a 'but' and you probably don't wait from me to say this but we will brake some little rules and go to another place...As we all can Appearate and travel to were-ever we want!"-Hermione ended and waited for random questions.

"Were are we going?"-Harry asked not knowing the whole thing.

"Well let me tell you...Paris!"-Draco says and makes a shiny smile that makes him look cute and beautiful!

They make some little other questions like how will we not get noticed or how will we go to the same place without leaving the group, when will we come back etc. The four couples now are holding each others hands as Hermione Appears back to Paris in a dark alley corner.

"Welcome to my second home!!! Paris!"-Hermione says enthusiastic and very cheerful.

"City of love!"-Ginny said and gave Luna a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh pleaseeee!"-Harry says as all couples around start giving kisses and who know what other couple-ish things.

"Not in the middle of the street please!-Draco complained.

"Hey guys come on make out already!"-Blaise says wanting to make them a couple.

"We are just friends and we respect this relationship !"-Draco claims and looks at Harry who is giving a confused smile.-"Is that right?"

"Y-Yes...our friendship means the most."-Harry said stuttering and sweating. He wanted him! He wanted him more than just a friend! Little did he know he shared the same thoughts with the blonde git...


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