38||Mirrored Dream!🍄

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Hermione and Pansy sat in the library it was late but being a prefect gave them promising to stay there later than the others.Ron and Blaise where supposed to be talking about quidditch in the Slytherins common rooms with Draco.And Harry was supposed to come.

The library doors opened softly to reveal a hyper happy Harry.Hermione smiled at how childish Harry was acting and Pansy just snickered as she painted Hermione's nails.

"Why so happy Mister Harry Potter!"-Hermione asked holding the book with one hand.

"I am in love Hermione!How am I supposed to not smile and be Happy!"-Harry said flying to the seat and showingsw her the small flower crown.

"Draco did that didn't he?"-Pansy asked as she added a small pink at Hermione's nails.-"He makes those really rarely!"

"It's amazing isn't it!"-Harry said touching the small flowers slightly.-"I am going to take him to the final phase tomorrow!"-he said and Hermione looked up from the book.

"Are you sure he loves you!"-She said but Pansy kicked her ribs.-"Okay what are you doing?"

"Taking him to the mirror of erised!"

"Are you sure?"-Hermione asked.

"Yes!I am..."-Harry said but little did he knew that Draco now was in his room refusing company and crying cause he stood no chance on getting Harry to be his own...

Meanwhile-Draco was about to kill every 8th year Slytherin just knowing one of them stole Harry's heart before he did The way he looked at them was deadly.He cried a lot until he passed out.


Next day Draco woke up around afternoon.He looked like shit so he run to the bathroom to take a quick cold shower.

It was supposed to be weekend so no classes for today.He just wore some random clothes and walked downstairs to take some water.He ignored Pansy and Blaise shagging in a corner around fireplace and took a cookie from the table.It was enough to keep his breath alive.

"Hey Draco!"-Pansy said releasing Blaise.

"Morning!"-Draco said half voiced.

"Why the sad face?"-Blaise said.-"You also ignored me all night!Whats wrong?"

"Nothing just common sadness!"-Draco said remembering Harry.-"Have you seen Ron?I own him an apologize fr last night."

"Gryffindor common rooms...password Pointed Frizz-by !"-Blaise said and also took a cookie from the table.

Draco left to meet Ron And after that he went out at the pitch and flew a little around it.

He totally forgot about the meeting with Harry until he walked past the Room of Requirements.It was half hour after 10 o'clock and he had been supposed to be there at 10.He facepalmed and entered the room to see Harry stand in front of a mirror looking at it fascinated.

"You are late!"-Harry said with half voice.Had Harry been crying?Yes he had.

"I am Sorry Ha..."-Draco stared but Harry cut him of.

"No problem..."

"What are you looking at?"-Draco asked and sat next to Harry.

"Nothing...What do you see?"-Harry asked wiping his eye with her sleeve.

Draco looked at it for a moment.-"What Harry...You forgot how mirrors work?"

Harry looked at Draco.His eye where glued to the mirror and he pointed out.-"You see me there?"-Harry asked now looking at his eyes.

Draco smiled.-"Yeah...but here you look prettier like you grew up.And you are...em...What does this mirror do actually?"

Harry was shocked.-"You see me there?!"

"Yeah Harry...Am I supposed to not see you?"-Draco asked softly.

He shifted still trying to understand what Draco just said.He looked at his Silver mercury eyes like shiny orbs.Draco was smiling softly as Harry had a confused printed face.

Harry couldn't process what just happened. All he knew next was that he was walking away from the Room of Requirements as Draco called his name.

Harry didn't stop...He took a left turn to the main entrance gate and run to the forbidden forest as fast as he could.

Happy tears in his eyes but a lot of pain in his heart.After all this time...After all these months he was so blind...such an idiot!Such a oblivious peace of shit!How couldn't he see that Draco loved him...how couldn't he notice all the hints!

Harry sat under a tree.Scared to go back and face Draco now that he knew his feelings where the same.He was scared of what happens next.How can he say to him that he knows who Dragon is and that he owns a letter that was supposed to be lost in Minervas trash's.

Years!!!Draco had loved him for years!More than Harry had a crush on him...All those insults indeed where Draco desperately trying to make Harry notice his affection...

Harry cried from happiness,sadness and anger letting everything out and clearing his heart from the pain it held.

This wasn't helping on cleaning his head.This wasn't helping at all...Draco loved him...he always did!

That's why he was always jealous of Cedric,that's why he kissed him,that's why he held that tattoo on his back.DRACO LOVES HIM!

Harry laughed tears running from his eyes he fell in the ground and held his hand in his mouth as he made a muffled yell.

This continued until Harry was to tired to even say his name.He sat against the tree.A smile in his face.His heart beating like crazy and his hands shaking.He couldn't be more happier in his life...never more happy...

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