Chapter 18

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Donnie's POV

"That is all for today my sons, you did well."

Splinter bowed to us and we returned the bow and watched him as he walked into his room. I began to reach for my Bo staff when I noticed the dojo door open and Chanel walk in. She still had her pajamas on and she had a look of excitement and a little bit of worry. I smiled at her as I leaned the tree in middle of the dojo. Raph noticed her next and spoke to her.

"Sweetie what are you doing in here?"

He walked over to her and placed a small kiss on her forehead. Chanel smiled at him but then brought her eyes back to me.

"You guys might want to come out here and see this."

She grabbed Raph's hand and pulled him out of the dojo. The rest of us exchanged looks before following them. When I was out of the dojo I had a clear view of the kitchen and the scene that was playing out.

Kelly and April were in each other's faces, April had a hand over her cheek and a finger in Kelly's chest. Their voices raised to the point where we could hear them.

"Your going to wish you never did that."

April said. I could tell by the look in her eyes that she was ready to fight. I took a step ready to end it before it could begin. I felt someone grab my wrist stopping me, I turned to see Chanel holding my wrist.

"You have to let her fight her own battles."

She said looking up at me. I sighed and went back to watching them.

"What are you going to do? Tell me some more lies?"

Kelly shoved her back putting some room between them.

"You know what I bet Donnie only likes you because your rich."

April said returning the shove. Kelly chuckled at her.

"I could be dirt poor and I still believe he would love me."

Kelly said with joy. I felt myself smile knowing that what she had said was true.

"He doesn't love you. He only likes you because your easy."

April said with a smirk.

"Oh really? You think so? Because if he really wanted someone easy he would have picked you."

Kelly said giving her another forceful shove.

"Ooh it's about to get real."

Mikey said quietly next to me. I couldn't bring myself to look at him, I keep my eyes locked on them.

"Do you really wanna pick a fight with me? I'm almost a fully trained kunoich and your just a cripple who still can't walk on her own."

April said right before her and hand connected with Kelly's face, the sound was so loud that it caused me to cringe for her. Kelly didn't act like it hurt though, instead she raised her head and looked her straight I the eye.

"I've had enough of this."

Kelly said threw her crutch to the ground. Before anything else could be said, Kelly's fist connected with Aprils face. April didn't hesitate to fire back connecting her fist to Kelly's nose. Kelly stumbled back as April tackled her to the ground and they rolled knocking over a couple of chairs. When they stopped rolling April was on top and her fist connected again with Kelly's face.

That didn't last long though because Kelly kicked April off of her and she land into the opening of the living room. April grunted before reaching out to grab Kelly's leg but Kelly's foot connected with her face. She then climbed on top of April ready to throw one more punch, but they began to roll once more.

"We need to break this up."

I said looking at Leo who was watching intensely.

"But dude you should feel awesome. You have two girls fighting over you."

Mikey said exited.

"My money's on Kelly."

Raph said nodding his head. Leo looked at us and then back to the girls, he opened his mouth but was cut of by April yelling at Kelly.

"Your pretty little face will be so messed up that Donnie will hate looking at you."

She punched Kelly once again and pulled her fist back to do it again but Kelly blocked it with her arm and fired a punch into April's face facing knocking her off and they rolled again.

"Let's stop this."

Leo said hurrying towards them and I followed right behind him. We reached the wrestling girls and without thinking I grabbed Kelly by the waist and pulled her off of April. She keep thrashing in my arms as April got off the ground and tried attacking her again. Leo grabbed April by the waist and thrashed around in his arms.

"Kelly stop fighting me. Please Kelly it's me stop."

I said in a calming voice.
"April enough. I said enough!" Leo wasn't as kind. Both of them stopped fight us, they both had blood all over them.

"Leo let me go."

April said wiggling her way out of Leo's arms. She looked up at me with a pitiful look on her face.

"Look what she did to me. That little whore attacked me. Do something about it Donnie."

I looked at her disbelief realizing that she didn't know we had been watching.

"April you need to leave. Don't come back until you get over yourself. I'm getting tired of you messing with Kelly and messing with me. Now leave before I throw you out."

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