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Green eyes snapped open and a groan escaped out of the person. Who this person was, could not be remembered? It was as if someone had put a blank canvas in his brain where his memory should be. But he knows that he was a male. As well that his name was Wally but that was all.

"Hey, are you alright?" A concerned voice was heard. The voice sounded as well slightly panicked and he glanced at the person. And could just stare blankly first.

The stranger wore a suit. It looked like one of these onesies and all in red but with a black spider in the middle of it. There were as well some black spider webs too.

"Uh, I feel like a car hit me so nope. Not fine at all. I can't even remember really anything." His voice was familiar to Wally, but he said it really fast. The confusion was all he could feel.

"I am sorry, what?" The stranger sounded astonished and he blinked at this and repeated it a bit slower and with an apology.

"Okay, I know where to bring you. Do you think you can move, or do you need help?" The stranger was kind and he wasn't sure what to do with this situation. Should he trust him, or should he not trust him?

Meh, this person seemed not too bad and he had the feeling that he could fend himself off well against this kind stranger.

"Well, kind stranger. I would like to have help then. I am sure I could move but don't want to risk getting more hurt or something." He shrugged but grimaced slightly. The stranger picked him up with ease and he could just stare at him.

It reminded him of someone. Who this was; was not known, but he knew a person who was strong too?

"Alright, I am Spider- man, do you maybe know your name?" He started to walk, and he wasn't sure that he should really tell this person his name. But he was helping him, and he doesn't seem bad either. So, he decided to tell Spidey this.

"Well, Spidey your lucky then. I remember my name. Which seemed to be Wally." A chuckled was heard from the person. A grin was stretched on his lips.

"I will tell you later on what my name is, and you need to promise not to tell someone." The stranger sounded around 17 and quirky.

"I can guess that Spidey wasn't your real name. Like whom would name his child Spidey?" It sounded jokingly and the stranger snorted now at this.

"Pff, parents who want to see their children suffer." This time it was him who snorted, and he grimaced feeling sore and hungry.

"Do you have maybe some food?" His stomach was heard grumbled and he felt weakened now. Food would be something that he really needed.

"Sadly not but I am sure that where we are heading, they will have some food." He nodded and put his head on the shoulder now. They continued to goof around, and he really enjoyed the person's quirky self.


"Wow this, I feel more than whelmed. This building is massive." Awe clearly heard and he was puzzled at the whelmed thing. But he could swear to hear another person's voice ask, 'why is no one ever whelmed?' and 'Oh, maybe that's why,' it sounded different but he knew this voice.

But when trying to remember a headache hit him, like when Harley's hammer- who was Harley? So all he could do was shrugging it off.

"This is the stark tower. I usually don't go there but Bruce should be here and help you out." He nodded and well let's just say that the rest was a blur with a different stranger brown hair and brown eyes. ~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~.~

It had been now a year since that day and well it was awesome. He helps Peter Parker-Stark or Spider-man. The two work well together and so far, no memory he had found out. There was as well the Avengers who were a group of heroes.

Like this big green guy called Hulk who normally is Bruce Banner a scientist and can he just say that he loved working with this person. He, Peter, and Bruce were often in the lab working on their suits. There had been someone who was called Iron Man, but he gave his life away for the sake of the world.

It was always a touchy subject for- by now his best friend- Peter and he avoided talking about him. It seemed that the two had been close like a father-son bond.

There was as well sometimes Hawkeye who is as Clint Barton and he always felt like he knew a person who was like this, but he couldn't remember. It was just that the skill of the arrows always triggered something in him.

There was as well Pepper Pots-Stark who was the adoptive mother of Peter. There was as well May Parker. The female had been the Aunt of Peter, who had died because of an accident happening at the blip. It struck a nerve as well and he tried to avoid mentioning her at all, for the sake of his best friend.

There was a stepsister too who is named Morgan Stark who was someone who Peter held dearly, and he was integrated into the family but sometimes he wished he would remember something. But nothing came to him. Nothing seemed familiar to him so that he never got a memory back.

Oh, and he had powers. It was found out per accident where he ran accidentally too fast. Lucky it had been at a race with Peter and outside of the hut where they lived. It was at a place in the middle of nowhere and in the forest. So that Morgan, Pepper, and Peter were the only once seen this.

But now it made sense why he was always hungry. It was his high metabolism. The same as Peter and they were on par with eating.


"You ready to get out and kick some butts?" Peter's voice asked and he grinned brightly as wearing a yellow nanotech suit with red lighting in the middle.

"Well, Spidey when ain't I ever ready to kick some butts?" He smirked as he answered it jokingly and Peter snorted.

"Of course, you say this. Well, let's get going then. Try to stay whelmed." A snort was all he gave at the answer and he started to zoom away with Peter groan out. He started to run around and feel free. God, it felt awesome to finally run around.

It was just dreading to stay inside and not do much. It was just that he hated to stand still. All he knew that nothing will be ever the same and he had the feeling that soon he would finally out who he was. 




I just couldn't resist in making that crossover. So far I have watched the first season and the second one I started. So there will be OOCness but I made sure to look and inform myself. I hope you still enjoy it and don't forget to vote when you did. ^~^

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