Chapter 11

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Ugh, that was a bad decision and another bad decision was making Dickie believe that he would manage alone. Well, at least he could still get out. They did drug him, but his metabolism had done the most job before a collar was put on him.

This was why as soon as he seen a chance, he took it. He kicked the person in their butt and somersaulting away but jumping up. A bit shaky and he felt his body sway slightly, but he managed. It was not the first time he had to fight in a condition like this.

No hesitation as he started to run away. Even when he was feeling his body scream him for rest. Even when he was feeling right now not alright, he couldn't stop. There was too much on stake. He took the people out by pressing some pressure points. It was taught to him as he needed this when he would have missions.

Not that he minded, and it gave him the advantage which he was glad that he learned this. It wouldn't kill them but would make the people pass out. The training was straining but it showed now that it helped. When he would see Uncle Pirate, he would thank him for this.

But his lungs felt like burning by now and he was feeling more exhausted with each corner he was going.

Mind link established everyone present?

Yes, copied. (Unknown)

Yes, I am here as well. (Superboy)

Let's hope this won't end up as the opposite of aster. (Nightwing)

Ooo, I still love this. Your ability is badass Megan (Spidey)

Focus, we can't get tracted by your awe Spider-man (Unknown)

Uh, I am here but better hurry because I am so not feeling aster right now.

On it, team you know your mission. Team one gets in, help Wally out and try not to engage when you have to. (Unknown)

A few yes/or copied were heard and he knows at least who had said the last part, named Kaldur. It seemed that he was the leader. It felt odd for him because Dickie usually was the one who felt more of the leader type, but it seemed that this Kaldur was right now the leader.

By now he was getting too exhausted and hid in a room. He slipped down and breathed heavily. Even when hearing people talk, he was silent trying to regain his breathing. But he came not too far as someone was plopping silently down.

His body jumped up and he was instantly on high alert. Guards up and he was ready to defend himself but felt himself sway at the dizziness that suddenly came. This was not a good sign, but he wouldn't let himself get caught without a fight.

Uh, you didn't lie to us when you said Wally is alive. Anyway, I found him. (Unknown)

Good, you protect him. Get him out and just try not to engage Red Arrow.

Copy Kaldur.

A few other voices were heard, and he breathed down and falling on his butt because in front of him was a male. The stranger wore a hero costume, and something seemed familiar to this one.

"Look I know you won't remember me, but we need to move. The safest way is the one I came from in the vents." His voice was loud enough to hear but not loud enough for others to register. He nodded at this and breathed out. Slowly standing up, feeling a bit less dizzy.

The two went through the vents and it reminded him of Clint. The male loved going through vents.

Ugh, I need to take a break. He stopped moving and feeling a wave of dizziness again.

Wally you good? The voice of Peter asked concerned and now everyone else asked the same question.

Yeah, just slightly dizzy. He answers and Red Arrow looked back and stopped crawling. It took them around 30 minutes. When he was out of the place he blanked out.




Whispers were heard but his brain could register what was said nor who was talking. They were quiet and a good thing for the headache that he had. His body was feeling sore. As if he had overworked himself. Eyes stayed closed and exhaustion caught up soon enough again and he fell asleep once more.




Once again, he woke but this time his eyes slowly opened, the blurriness was first, and he had to blink a few times to get rid of it. He tried to remember how he came back to the infirmary or how he came at all here, but he couldn't. So, he tried to remember and the last thing he realized was him getting out but then his mind was blank.

Another thing he realized soon that someone's weight was felt next to him and someone breathing softly in and out. There was as well a hand holding his and he slowly gazed down.

Next to him was Dickie asleep and looking peaceful. That peaceful, that he had not the heart to wake him up. Then there was someone else on the other side felt. Once more he saw someone asleep there and this time it was Peter's head. Like before he had not the heart to wake him as well.

'I wonder what happened after my blackout?' His question couldn't be answered and soon he heard footsteps approach and two people talking in hushed tones. One sounded like Bruce and another person sounded like a male too.

The two stopped for a moment and the stranger's eyes met with his. They were an ice blue color. Short blond hair and darkish skin. The eyes held relief soon and he gave him a friendly smile. Not much was said, and his gaze went over as soon as he heard a groan coming from two people.

Both slowly sat up and rubbing their eyes. The first to notice he was awake was Dickie. The male stared at him before he felt himself in a hug. The next one was Peter who hugged him as well. He slowly wrapped his arms around and letting out a sigh.

Then the hug left, and he could see them look relived. "You moron. I was worried sickly that you would never wake up."

"I am really glad that you are finally awake. Two days you were asleep, and I thought you would never wake up." Both said something similar and he winced at this. Because he could hear how worried they have been for him.

"I am awake now so don't worry." His voice was scratchy, and he soon got some water. Then Bruce made a checkup. Afterward, Kaldur introduced himself and he felt bad but gave him a nod.

Then there was someone else who soon entered with Megan and Conner. The person was the one who he knew was called Red arrow, but his real name was Will Harper. They all talked a bit more until they got dragged out by none other than Pepper.

The female gave him a hair ruffle and looked as relieved. Not much was said other than that she was relieved to see him awake. Morgen came as well soon afterward and hugged him tightly and telling him how much she loves him 'I love you 3000 thousand,' which was a lot.

The other heroes soon came as well, and he was exhausted. The only one who didn't get dragged out was his boyfriend. The two ended up cuddled into each other and soon he fell asleep again a feeling of relaxation overcame him.

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