Chapter 8

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Everyone of his family by now got to know the two friends of his. Even when he doesn't remember he knew them. It was a familiarity he felt with them, like he had felt with Dickie. So it wasn't that much of a surprise that they grew pretty close fast.

Everyone was pretty fast integrated too and even in the game nights they had. It was just that this was helping to making them to have a relaxing night and it helped to get to know each other and they are always chaotic but a fun chaotic.

Usually it ends up in a prank wars which was always hilarious because none can really prank him, because of his speed and Dickie because he was always a step ahead. Then there was Peter who he teamed up with and the three were known for wining this war always.

Well Megan and Conner were a team on their own and this time none won and Pepper had to end the war. Usually it was always like this. But all fun things had to end when they got called for a mission.

Uncle Pirate -that was what Peter and he loved to call him- ended up having been called. The two were a team of two but since Dickie came a team of three. Now it was a team of five with Megan and Conner being found out. They operated on their own and were the young version of the Avengers. They had been called the dynamic duo but with Dickie they decided to call themselves the dynamic musketeer. But now that wasn't working either, so they ended up deciding to call them the young Avengers. They didn't really had time yet to think of a good name.

"Good that you are here. We got an intel that there is a new organization out. Not much is known about them other than that they call themselves the light." This struck a nerve on him, but he wasn't sure why.

The other three of his other universe worlds were turning serious and he could tell that whoever they were known by them.

"Are you positive that they call themselves the light?" It was Dickie who talked serious and he was nervous now. It was not a good sign when he looked like this.

"Yes, one of our agents died before he had sent this information to us." Fury sounded sure about this and the three had eye contact and he could hear their conversation now.

This is not good at all. I should have known that they had something to do with that portal guy.

We need to stop them. We done this once and we will succeed again.

Yes, but this time we aren't the entire team. We never worked with Peter and I am worried that this will backfire.

Don't worry I can adapt well to a new team not to mention that me, my big bro and Dickie worked together many times before.

"What do we have to do?" Wally wasn't even bothering arguing right now. There were more important things in hand then the Conner and Megan. It should turn out just fine.

"I need two of you infiltrate a place that is used to make new medicine and try to get more intel out." Fury showed a coordinate and he wasn't sure about just two people.

"I don't want to interject but two people is too dangerous. I am not letting Pete, Dickie, Megan or Conner infiltrate this place. You said it yourself that your agent died." His voice was nervous, and he held eyes with the one eyed male.

"It's not up to debate. We need more information and we can't fight them with little to nothing known about them Wally Stark." His voice sounded final and everyone was back talking on their mind.

Wally and Peter sorry but you two won't get to do this. It's too dangerous and I don't want to risk anything.

Hold up, this is bullshit. I am not going to let anyone of you go alone.

Oi, I want in as well. I have as much experience then any of you. I even infiltrated things before.

It isn't in debate that it's dangerous but who will go. I have done this before and Megan as well.

They continued to argue, and he shouted to everyone to shut up.

This is my and Peter's universe, or almost. You three don't know jacks' shit about this universe. Dickie and I will go. His voice cut everyone out. They wanted to argue but this time Peter shut them out instantly.

His hacking skill will come in handy and I have done these kinds of mission on this universe more then once. I agree with my big brother there.

No, Peter you are the better option then my boyfriend. He rushes things too much and you are less like this. Yes, you do reckless things as well, but I don't want to risk anything.

Alright, Dick you have the most experience from all of us. I let you make the call.

Fine, when Megan says this, I will let you have the call as well. Right now, Kaldur is not here and this makes you the leader of this group.

I can't really argue with this but trust me, I learned how to act and had a year training with Uncle pirate.

He wasn't really wanting to let his boyfriend go alone. Not that he didn't trust his skills, it was just that he was anxious about this.

"So, who did you choose?" Fury ended up butting in and he realized that they had a conversation on their mind the entire time.

"We decide to let our leader choose." Connor said with a shrug.

"Yes, it's Dick's choice." This time it was Megan who talked.

"Okay but before I say who I choose, who would be the best option between Wally or Peter? You have sent them on infiltrate missions before." His voice sounded professional and an authority tone was heard as well.

"Both have so far always succeeded. So they are equally suitable for this job." His voice sounded right now professional, but he sounded as well like a proud Uncle.

"Alright, who would you choose when you had the choice?"

"Wally. Peter is a bit too unexperienced and Wally on mission is differently. He is a natural when it comes to act a character. Even better then Peter." His voice still was professional, but the proud tone was more heard then before.

"It's something that I have a passion." He shrugged at the end, but three people seemed to be surprised at this.

"Well I guess that is new." An amused undertone came from Dickie and he tilted his head at this.

"Anyway, I choose Wally then."

A beam was what he gave, and Fury nodded at this. "We send your identity and what the mission is about in your phone. Read it thoroughly, a week from now on you will start your mission."

"Understood Uncle Pirate/Fury." They said at the same time went back to the tower. 

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