Chapter 3

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Having a fast metabolism sucked. He got awoken by hunger and by a nightmare as well. It was the same nightmare that he most commonly had. Two people running around. One in a red suit with the same sign he had on his suit and another person was with a white and in the middle a stripe of purple. The two were way faster then him and he got hit with some weird lightings.

It was hurting a lot and he knew that he would soon die. Maybe this was why he told the red person that he loved someone, and this one time he could understand who it was...

Tell Dickie I love him.

Then like always he woke up and tears streamed down his face. This was a memory wasn't it? Was this why he always felt emotional? He wiped away his tears and starting to get something to eat. Maybe food will make his mood better.

His eyes narrowed as he seen someone at the couch look through the channel and stopping at the news. He zoomed towards it and letting out a sigh.

"You know, Pepper will have your head." He gave the male an unimpressed look. And how in gods name had this person managed to move when being underweight? Not to mention with some injuries.

"I needed information and by now have read through the entire thing. This place is a less dangerous. I can trust these guys. Tomorrow I will introduce myself but not giving much prize." The person glanced soon at him.

His gaze stayed for a moment and then going back to the tv. Wally decided he could as well get some snacks and watch Tv. Each time when he got that nightmare, he couldn't sleep anyway. So, he dashed to the kitchen making some snacks and putting it on the table. Then he went to get some drinks and coming back.

"Not sure what you liked but decided I could as well get some snacks and drinks for you as well." A shrug was what he gave and starting to pick up a bowl and munching on some chips. The person was silent for a moment before thanking him and taking some snacks as well.

"Hey, I was wondering were we in any way a couple or something?" It slipped out before he could even stop himself and cheeks starting to get heated up. Dickie almost choked on whatever he was eating and staring at him. It was now that he realized that the person wore no glasses.

His dark blue eyes pierced through him with surprise. This made him realize that he had guessed right. And this made him feel really weird about it.

"You- why would ask this?" The person sounded right now soft and conflicted. Almost as being hopeful. Hopeful that he knew something.

"I had this weird nightmare, were I run around in circles. There were two people running faster around. I got hit with some weird lighting. In the end I told this red dude about well that I love you..." His cheeks felt really hot right now and it confused him. This person was someone who he had no memory of, yet here he was feeling embarrassed and nervous about it. Butterflies fluttering around and all in all he was confused.

"Wha-wait hold up- What?" The male stammered out and he could see, even with just the light of the tv, the entire face in a flustered mess.

"I-Uh- Well uh..." Really? Had he really had to lose his speech right now? This was making no sense but then he remembered again about the feelings he felt each time he woke up, and he realized that this probably must have been the person.

"Sorry, but I think it's better when I am not going to say anything. Memories could end up getting changed when I say something." Dickie said with a natural tone and he could just nod. But they came not longer as a female almost human like voice called out.

Wally, Cinnamon roll is in distress.

A curse went out and he rushed away towards the room where Peter would be. This was getting worst each day. By now they were night terror. He almost dashing into the closed door, but lucky didn't. He opened it speedily and then going over to Peter. The male trashed around, crying pleading and it hurts.

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