Chapter 13

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Warning, mentioning of torture in this chapter.




By now he got as close with the other teammates and Peter too. They were more like a family on their own. Like the Avengers were. But sometimes they had missions on their own or simply with Peter a job as the co-owner of Stark industries was making him busy.

He decided to go patrol around New York and wasn't really thinking that he should need someone with him. Well that was wrong. Because he ended up getting kidnapped again. This time a tracker was hidden in his clothes.

So that he had not to worry about others not finding him. But they tried to make him talk. Tried to get things out. Weakness to the Avengers, his brothers etc. Not once he budged. To make this worse they didn't per se harmed him but injected things. These things were painful. But even then, he was tight lipped.

Soon he was thrown into a cell. With two other inmates. One which who looked like Bruce and another one who looked like Uncle Barry. A groan was all that escaped and soon he muttered 'Ouch that hurts like a motherturcker...'

"Is that...?" The first person even sounded like Barry and sounded surprised and astonished.

"Kidflash is that you?" There was the second person who by now slowly sat him up and opened his mouth but closing it again.

"Uh, well I am called Speedy but I guess that was a name that Dickie mentioned. Do we know each other?" His voice held uncertainty and soon he was pulled into a hug by the other male in the room. It wasn't too tight but yet still tight and desperate. So that he slowly hugged back too.




"Okay, so your telling me that you have been stuck here a year and more than a month now?" Barry sounded surprised and he slowly nodded.

"And almost all of your team is here?" This time Bruce asked and he could just help but nod and realizing that he knew now two people with this name.

"So funny coincidence I have this one Uncle figure who has the same name then your first name Bruce." A snicker went out at this and the two chuckled now as well. But soon a grimace went out of his body.

"So how did you two ends up here?" His voice was curious now and as he looked at the two. Barry still was holding him closely and he couldn't blame him. Not after what the male thought happened to him.




His gaze stared up now and he couldn't believe it. There was someone getting them here and he was not sure why. First Dickie and now one by one? Not a coincidence. They talked about his life and well they agreed to the condition, but they pointed out that it was better for him to visit.

Easier and he could still continue his life in this universe. But that was all that they came, because he fell asleep and he felt content as finally meeting the person from that memory.




Eyes opened as he felt some shaking. His mind still too asleep and it took him a moment to realize that there was now two people unconscious.

"Uh, what?" His voice pure puzzlement and even his expression shown it.

"We need to get out now." That was all that was needed to be said by Bruce and he could just stare at the male.

"Okay." He jumped up and the three starting to move out. Bruce took out people with skill. A skill that someone just had with many years of training and experience. Even Barry had and there was him who managed to take them out as well.

"Since when do you know to do this?" It was asked after another person went down with him hitting a pressure point.

"A year but we can talk about this later when we aren't being heard or watched." His gaze went around at this.

"He is right, concentrate on getting out." Bruce took precisely then another person down and he rummages through and grinning.

"A souvenir and a perfect one at this." A key card was shown, and they gave him a strange look.

"I always have done this and this here we can use to get out." A shrug was given at the end and they continued to move. Sometimes even hiding.




Okay, this was going well but now they had an issue. This base was in the middle of nowhere and it wasn't a good thing. But hey, they even had time to find their suit and his as well. Unlucky or call them lucky it was him who stumbled and now they were outside.

"Karen do I have any signal?" His voice cut through the cam and hoping they are lucky.

"Who are you-" I am sorry Speedy but no signal to call anyone.

"Aww man, what a mothertrucking situation." A whining tone came over him and he could hear the two snorts at this.

"I would say that was the opposite of aster," Bruce said and he snorted now and heard his Uncle as well snort.

"So, who did you talk to?" It was a curious tone said by Barry. He answered as well explaining that his suit was made out of nanotech.

"Well, that explains why your suit is so much different than the one you had." Bruce pointed out and he nodded but attention was going around.

"Karen any way to find out where we are?" His voice asked the AI who answered in the middle of Canada and in a forest.

"Well, what a not aster situation that is, and I am not feeling whelmed right now, but the good thing is that others will now find us." His voice nervous yet jokingly said and the two shook their head now.

"How and who are others?" It was this time Barry who asked, and his gaze looked around again before having his attention back at Barry.

"Well, my small bro Pete boy and Dickie won't rest until they find me. Then there are the others of our newly formed team who for sure won't either. We well- called us Young Avengers." A shrug was given, and he looked around again.

"Young...Avengers?" It was quizzingly said by Bruce as well as business-like.

"Yes, because in this world there are the mightiest heroes Avengers. A group of heroes like what you call the justice league." An explaining tone was given, and his gaze went back around. This could be dangerous, and he hoped that they wouldn't meet dangerous wildlife. 

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