Chapter 14

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His anxiousness starting to bubble up as he had time now to think. Dickie will so murder him and then there was Peter who won't leave him for a while.

"I am royally screwed..." He muttered and starting to walk around. That was until he got stopped by Uncle Barry who gave him a concerned look.

"Calm down. It will turn out just fine." His tone reassuring. By now his mask left and he gave him a deadpanned look.

"No, first Dickie will murder me for getting caught a second time, and then there is Peter who will go full mother hen. They won't leave me alone for a while." A groan escaped and he was now, even more, freaking out.

"What do you mean with again?" This time it was asked concerned by Bruce and he started to explain about this light group and that this was the second time this week that he ended up in something similar.

"That....Bruce." The two had a silent conversation and he stood there unsure what

"I know. You sure that they call themselves the light?" It was said this time low and serious. All that he could do was slowly nodding and feeling nervous now.

"Yes, at least everyone who was from where we came from said so but it's not the same. The boss doesn't look the same." He explained but an edge was too it as his instincts kicked in. This was the reason why he was not specific.

"Whoever is watching come out now!" He hissed out and looked around. The two other people had been tensed as well.

"Oi, not going to harm you. Calm your tits." A male (Deadpool) voice hissed back and slowly stepped out. The person was wearing his typical costume.

"What is Spidey's favorite thing to do?" His voice asked with an edge and he was ready to throw himself on him.

"Building Legos with his two best friends, aka you and Ned, and loves to prank people in his free time. Oh, and he adores Star Wars." His body relaxed with this and he tackled the male into a bear hug now.

"Thank god you're here but how?" His voice was shaky, and he relaxed as soon as he hugged back, and even after they left an arm was still around him.

"Well we searched for you but not really managed to find you, but the others did find something. A base and are right now fighting the people there." A shrug was felt, and he could see him look at the two people in front of them. None said something but it was clear that they were tense.

"This is Deadpool boyfriend of Spidey and well we are best friends by now." His voice was friendly now and he was glad to finally have someone with who he was familiar.

Don't get him wrong, the two were from his memory but he doesn't really feel that familiar with them. So, it was making him so much more relaxed.

"Pool, this here is my Uncle Barry and the person next to me is someone who I know as well. They come from the same place." He explained and Deadpool nodded.

"Well let's gooo. Oh, and be ready Peter will go full-on mother hen on you." His voice was teasing, and he shoved him teasingly back.

"Pool really? Couldn't you try and tell your boyfriend that it wasn't my fault." A whining undertone was, and Pool snickered now.

"Hey, be lucky that Dickie boy won't give you a hard time." Light tone was used, and he could just let out a groan as a pout made its way over his face.

"Fine, let's just go." Grumbling tone was all that he could muster and Pool the entire time was teasing and he teased back now. Both in the end snickered and he entirely forgot about the two other people who were walking with them.

"Well look at this who we had to rescue, again." A voice cut out with a deadpanned undertone. Peter sounded exasperated and walking up to him. A smack on the back of his head was given, making wince and rubbing the place. He could tell that the male had been worried sickly.

"What did I tell you about going alone on patrols?"


"No, I don't want to hear it. I know your sorry and all but don't do this. What would have happened when you weren't getting out! You could have been experimented on and from what I read they did start something. I can't believe how much of a moron you are..." Voice first scolding but soon concern was all that got heard and then he heard his shaky tone. It was clear to him that his brother was now crying, and he could just pull him into a hug.

"Sorry..." His voice as soft and by now he was hugging him back and he could feel his body slightly shaking.

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