Chapter 2

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By now others had met the guy and he realized that he loved to make new words up. The one word he heard him say most commonly was whelmed. It was something that everyone made look at him. Almost as if he was the one who just said it. But he could just shrug at this.

The only thing that always stayed where the sunglasses. It was making him confused and he was as well curious. What would make this person still hide his identity? So that he grinned mischievously and wanting to zoom and get the glasses off.

"Wally, I warn you. I am not going to let you steal my glasses." Dickie said warningly and he was even more curious now.

"Oh, come one Dickie. Just this once and people would feel less suspicious when you put your glasses away." His voice was a whine and Dickie let out a sigh but folding his arms together.

"Can't do. It's dangerous enough that they know my name because you blurt it out, Wally." It sounded scolding and he pouted now. Why not? What speaks against it?

"These people are heroes as well. I am sure that they will hide your identity." He reasoned but the guy let out a sigh and left. His brows could just furrow at this.

Something told him that he should follow Dickie, but he wasn't wanting to upset him. A pause was what he made before deciding to yeet it out and zooming after the stranger.

"You won't get out of the infirmary." He picked Dickie up and zoomed back to the bed, even when the stranger struggled and yelling him to let go.

"No. Bruce called bed rest. Do I have to tell Alfred?" Who was this? And why had the male stop suddenly struggling.

"Everything but Alfred and how can you know about him? You said yourself that you have amnesia so how?" Dickie sounded tense and nervous now. Almost as if he wasn't wanting him to tell this Alfred person.

"It's because you two argued about this often probably and it is subconsioulsy that he said this." Bruce was appearing and by now he had put Dickie down. His arms folded and giving the person a look that told them not to move.

"Fine, but I need some books and information about this universe."

A nod was what he gave and zooming away, getting everything that was needed one by one, and the plopping himself down. By now he had as well a snack in his hands. He needed to eat, or he would have a big issue. He had even a higher metabolism then Peter and that says a lot.

"Bruce can you be a dear and get something to eat for Dickie?" His voice was holding a concern now. Because the stranger was way too light, and he looked as if he hadn't eating in a while.

"I was planning to get something either way, Walls." A hair ruffle was given at the end and he felt his cheeks flush slightly in embarrassment at this, but he wasn't minding it too much.

"I don't need food." Dickie intervened and he narrowed his eyes at him now.

"I am not letting my best friend starve himself to death." Once again, he blurted something out and it sounded as if that had been a common thing said.

"Fine. But doesn't mean I like it." A grumble was coming as an answer and he grinned now. "Even without memory you're a pain in the ass to deal with." The stranger grumbled out more and it sounded more like a childish grumble.

"Ouch you hurt me, Dickie." His hand went over his chest and he said this in the same dramatic way. The stranger snorted now and giving him a smirk.

"That was intentional, Walls. You are as ever dramatic." The person deadpanned and he couldn't help but let a dramatic gasp out.

"I going to Pete boy. He at least appreciates my badass self." A giggle was coming from the door and he glance to see Peter laugh. Both gaze each other a glance at this and bursting soon as well into laughter.

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