Chapter 9

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His gaze went to the mirror. His once red hair is a blond. His green eyes in a blue and his skin is toned. They have these really cool gadgets which can turn your look differently without make up nothing. It is a mask that they wear right now.

Dickie has pale skin, freckles all around him, his once dark blue eyes are a dark forest green and ginger wavy hair on top on his head. It was stranger but they for sure weren't looking the same. He was the scientist and Dickie should be the assistant of him.

His character quiet and reserved yet always with a small smile on his lips. Then there was Dickie who had to make a 180 turn of his character. Cheerful, bright and always seen with a massive smile. The opposite of him.

The two are even in this identity a couple and it made is so much easier for them.


His eyes were going around at the place and nothing seemed unusual. But something was off with these people. None talked and they just worked. They all seem animated. It was eerie to him and he wasn't sure what to think of this. Both had eye contact for a moment and Dickie agreed with him as well.

"This will be your lab. I hope you will fell at home here." Manny James said, and he wasn't sure why, but this stranger was making him have goosebumps.

"Thank you, I am sure that we will." His tone calm and the same small smile on his lips. Then they were left alone, and the door closed.

"Let's get to work. You get the computers work and I will start to work on the new formula." His voice was calm but there was a loving tone behind it.

Dickie nodded and he was going to the books and writing on a formula, but he wasn't sure why, but something just wasn't feeling right. They continued to work and the end of the day both went to their 'home,' which they got paid from S.H.I.E.L.D.




"I so call it. They are under the control." A grumble was coming from Dickie and hands up in resignation.

"Maybe but you don't have any evidence of this, Keith." His voice reminded him softly and they made sure that none could have put a listening device in their apartment.

"Look Percy I have seen this before and you don't remember but I do. I am telling you that they are controlled." His voice a grumble again and a sigh was all that escaped. He wrapped his arms around the male and feeling him lean into his touch.

It was clear that he was stressed out and now he felt his boyfriend relax in his touch. "How about we watch a movie and relax?" His voice suggested and Dickie nodded. The two made some food and starting to snuggle into each other. Not much had been said between the two and the had a relaxing evening.


This week continued on and he felt uncomfortable to work there but not once had he put down the act. None realized this but he could tell that his boyfriend wasn't liking it either. Both had sent their suspicion to Fury, but they haven't gotten evidence.

Because nothing seemed really unusual other than the people being way too animated and way too controlled. Other then the Manny. The male seemed normal and it was eerie and unusual to everyone else.

"The boss is calling you." Manny came and he felt anxious now. Something just wasn't feeling right with that statement. Any other day he would ignore that feeling but this time he just couldn't.

"Of course, Manny." His eyes locked with his boyfriend and he knew that something wasn't right either. But nothing could be done. So, he followed.

"He was really impressed with you." His voice sounded pleased and he wasn't really sure what to feel about this but decided to go with the flow.

"I am glad then. Wasn't' easy." A polite answer flown out of his mouth and his expression stayed like always. But he couldn't help but tense up slightly as nearer they got.

"I can imagine." His voice was professional as well and this was all that was said between the two. Both entered and he greeted the male in front of him.

"Well I wanted to meet the genius behind the new formula who was made." The male sounded pleased, but something seemed familiar to him. A face plopped into his mind...

The only difference was that this person had no scars on his mind and looked a bit more menacing then the person he had seen

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The only difference was that this person had no scars on his mind and looked a bit more menacing then the person he had seen. His smile seemed friendly, but the eyes weren't.

"I just done my job sir." His voice was neutral and professional, and it seemed that this pleased the person even more, but he had a really bad feeling. And it hadn't been false alarm because someone or something hit him behind his neck before he could even realize what was happening.

"You will soon enough be reborn...." Voice distant and then everything turned out black, but his last thought was around Dickie...

'Sorry Dickie...'

With Dick...

Something wasn't right. His boyfriend hadn't come back even 20 minutes and that was weird. Even weirder was that after the 20 minutes, Manny came back and telling him that he ended up going home. So that he decided to sneak around.

But nothing. It was as if Wally disappeared. This was enough to let alarm bells ring on him. Enough to know that something wasn't right. So that he ended up leaving and cursing now. The concern massive and heart starting to thunder in his chest.

He sends a SOS signal and continued to search for his boyfriend. Because a human being can't disappear. It was not possible. The message he got back was making him curse in Romania, but he breathed out and sneaking and waiting for someone appear.

But eyes were felt, and he turned around just to stare. 

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