Chapter 5

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The next day came and he felt loopy disconnected. Many times, he almost would have ended up slipping or tripping. He was clumsy and ended up as well causing a client's suit to get wet because of him unintentional bumping into the glass of water.

It was then that he ended up getting send up by Peter because of this. The younger of the two had been really worried.




"So, what happened?"

As soon as he entered the living room, Dickie asked this. A sigh was all that escaped, and he ended up zooming towards the couch, almost tripping again. Another sigh went out and he plopped himself next to the mentioned male.

"You alright there?" The tone was as worried as Peter's face had been and he just couldn't really know what was wrong. So, he shrugged as an answer and this seemed not be a good choice of action.

"Alright, what is going on? You are never like this and the only times I seen you were when something bad happened." The younger of the two pointed out and he felt even more loopier now.


Right now, he was around 11 years old. A bigger hand was holding his and this person was smiling at him with kind light green, looking eyes. Blond short hair on top of the person and he grinned up now.

"Uncle Barry where are we going?" His voice was childish and pure curiosity was heard.

"You remember Bruce?" His Uncle asked with the same enthusiastic tone.

"Of course, he is super dope." His head nodded speedily, and Barry heard chuckling at this.

"Bruce adopted someone, and we thought it would do good for him to have someone as a friend." His voice soft and he grinned brightly now, but he could tell that there was something that he wasn't telling him. Either way he wouldn't mind a new friend.




The two where right now in front of two people one was a male with short raven hair and dark brown eyes. They gaze down at him in a friendly way.

"Hi Bruce." He chirped out and giving the male a bright smile.

"Hi Wally, you seem to be doing good." The raven-haired male said. It made him nod speedily.

"Yup I am doing really well." His gaze went up to the next to the child. The boy was around a head smaller than his. Dark blue eyes looking at him wearily. The same raven hair color was seen on top of his head.

"Hey, I am Wally, what's your name?" His voice friendly but less forceful. Something just was telling him to tone it down. The boy was pausing and looking up to Bruce, who gave him a reassuring nod.

"Richard but you can call me Dick." A soft reply went out of the boy, whose name he knew was now Dick.

"You want to play something Dickie?" His voice was still friendly and still the same tone, as not wanting to scare the boy.

"Uh, sure." An hesitate answer went out and his smile changed from small to a bright one. He took the boy's hand and they went somewhere.


It was a sight now. He was younger around maybe 14 years old. An older person was in front of him. Blond hair and brown eyes pierced through him. Skin pale and a cruel smirk on that person's lips. Height a head bigger and buff. Clothes, jeans, a black shirt and a black leather jacket and the shoes were sneakers in red what he wore.

"I told you not to go against my will." Voice cruel and his body starting to shake at this.

This person meant nothing good and he knew this instantly. It reminded him of the kind of Villainy energy. Or at least that was what this person had for an aura.

"I am sorry Christopher." His voice soft and shaky. This person terrified him.

"No, you need to be punished for going against my words...."

The next part he knew too well or at least from the memory that came afterwards...


His shoulders slumped over as he entered the room. Gaze down on the ground and his mood damped more. Christopher is out of Prison. His sentenced got shortened because of good behavior but from what he could tell it was just an act.

It had been a disaster and he couldn't tell his boyfriend this. No way. The male would murder this person probably. Not to mention his teammates-by now good friends, scratch this they felt more like a family by now- as well. Not to mention he wasn't wanting to worry them.

But he just couldn't put a smile on his face. It was maybe how Dickie was or other people, but he just couldn't have the energy. He wasn't even hungry but dead tired.

"You alright?" A concerned masculine familiar voice asked. His gaze went over to the 17-year-old Dickie.

He slumped even more and ending up tackling the male into a tight hug. His head buried into the face of the younger. It was now that he realized how much this really shook him.

"No." Was all he said but nothing else. His best friend hugged him back and they interlocked their legs with each other. Head on the chest of the other male and he snuggles into him. This was what he needed right now.

"You want to tell me, what is wrong?" The male held even more concern now and he shook his head at this. "Okay, but you know that you can always tell me what caused this?" His voice was reassuring and all he could muster was right now a nod.

"Alright, let's watch some movies and cuddle then." The voice of Dickie was soft, and he nodded. They watched some Harry Potter.


His eyes slowly opened, and he stared up now blankly at the ceiling. He still had to get through the fact that he just had some new memories.

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