Chapter 16

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A week. An entire week was needed to everyone to finally get back. When they came back, he hugged everyone. It was just that he had been worried sickly, and he was relieved to see everyone healthy, other with some minor bruises.

Another good news was that they finally done it and so the light was not anymore. It took them that long because the boss had abilities. But now everyone involved with them ended either in prison or ended up getting rescued.

Everything was well and he was now nervous. They were discussing about going back now and Peter couldn't leave. His brother had his responsibilities in this universe and him as well. But he really wasn't liking this. He would have to leave his other family.

A conflict was felt, and he could just hope that there was a way for him to visit, because when not he would lose it and get sick. Everyone knew that he was being odd, but none pointed it out. Until Dickie ended up talking with him.

He did explain it and it was alright, but it wasn't changing that he would miss the younger too much. Maybe that was why at the day they should come back, Peter ended up wanting to talk with him alone.

"I will miss you." Voice soft and he bit his lips soon. How could he do this without his small brother?

"Same, but it's not that we won't see each other anymore." A reassuring tone was used but he could just pout and hug the other now tightly.

"Still, it won't be the same without seeing you each day." Same tone and the hug got returned. But hey at least they have communicators who would work on both sides. They could talk and all, but it wouldn't be the same.

Everyone said their goodbyes and he really wasn't liking this. But he breathed out and stepping inside of the portal that they managed to do. Eyes staring around. It looked like a living room but way bigger. At some part was a kitchen seen and a weird tv or something similar looked.

Other people were right now doing something and conversing, but everything stopped. It was silent. None said anything and all eyes were on them now, mostly him.

"Before you ask yes it's him and before you ask more questions to him, I will answer in his stead." Bruce butt in and he could just stare at the people in the room.

You were known by most people and well you should be dead. Megan said on his mind and he could just nod. His wings were tugged behind him and slightly shaking.

"Wow, my cousin has wings now. And survived but how?" An awed voice asked, and he couldn't even react as feeling himself in a hug. He fell even on his butt and stared at the person in front of him.

"Bart, I know you're excited, but he doesn't remember." Dickie scolded softly and he ohed now. Because a memory flashed through him. It was something Bart in his costume and he felt bad now.

"It's fine. Just because I don't remember doesn't mean I don't mind hugs." His reply was reassuring, and he hugged the teen back, because why not.

They left and one by one he got introduced but he wasn't even sure what to feel about this. Dickie ended up bringing him to their apartment they had.

A dog was tackling him down and he felt himself being licked by tongue now. "Maximoff!" He giggled out and blinked as he realized what name he said.

But this just made the dog even more exciting and he gave up and petting his fur. The two or the three ended up cuddling later on the couch and all was well.

A few years later...

A year after he came back, memories finally reappeared but he ended up being working now with the Team. It was odd for him and it took some adjustments with his wings, but he loved flying and ended up being known as Speed Angel. His nanotech suit was slightly changed so that the wings were behind his back.

He even could use his feathers to shoot out. They even could harden and with this, it was easy to stop Villains and his speed was as fast when running. Both of his old and new teammates were euphoric to see him alive.

It showed how much they care for him. There was as well the fact that Peter at least once a week came visiting. It was making him so happy and nothing major was happening on the other side and on their side as well, but whatever would come they would be ready and that was all that matters. 

A/N I had fun writing this. I didn't know what else to write anymore. When you have any suggestions for a special chapter, I am open to writing one. I hope you enjoy this and hope to see you in whatever next fanfic I will write. 

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