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Shota Aizawa would have said this was a norm for Class-1-A to get caught in another villain attack.

But right now, that wasn't the main concern.


The main concern wasn't the villains, nor the citizens, neither any other injuries. Rather, the main concern was Midoriya's life.

He just received a call from the class representative, Tenya Iida that Midoriya was... In an unknown condition. Aizawa didn't understood a single word that he said after that. The deep blue haired boy sounded too scared and confused to explain the situation properly. And neither any other students could explain what exactly happened, on the phone.

Aizawa only understood a few things in the end.

One; Midoriya's life was in danger.

Two; he was shot.

And three; their current location was a local hospital.

After that Aizawa didn't waste anymore time and immediately fled there, leaving the rest of the staff confused.

It all started as a casual Saturday during a cold and snowy winter. Since they all were mostly free and there was no school work to do, some students said that they wanted to go off campus as a class and do normal teenager stuff. No, not the unethical stuff. Just hanging out, shopping, eating, watching movies and other things of the sort.

Aizawa allowed after discussing the matter with the principal; Nezu. He allowed too, saying that the students needed a break from their current hectic daily routine and that they should spent some time carefree like normal kids would.

But they were all problem children. Absolute trouble magnets. Danger follows wherever they go. Everyone knew that. It has happened way too many times to be called just a coincidence. And that's what happened again.

Though a little different this time. Class-1-A wasn't exactly targeted. No, none of them were targeted and neither this was a high-scale, fully planned villain attack. They were all at Kiyashi Ward shopping mall where some low ranked villains happened to be at the same time. And villains, well, being villains started a commotion, committing small time crimes like mugging and causing other problems.

What happened after that? Why was Midoriya the only one they attacked? Where did the villains go? Was there some other damage? Were the other students really uninjured? Aizawa didn't know. He had no idea about what he was going to see next.

And after a long ride, Aizawa finally made it to the hospital where his students were.

Upon arriving, the first thing he saw was about half of the students standing around, waiting for either a doctor to update them about Midoriya's condition or Aizawa to come in.

God, he hopes everything turns out well.


To say the least, as a class rep, Iida thought everything was going just fine.

He thought things couldn't go worse than Kaminari and Ashido eating random stuff for dares and possibly getting food poison.

He really thought it wouldn't get any worse.

The sun was setting down and the curfew time was getting closer, so Iida gathered everyone around and told them that they should head back now - to which they all agreed to pretty easily since they were clearly tired after a long day of just goofing around.

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