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"...F-Fine.... I-I'm.... F-Fine..."

Where that might be the biggest lie Iida had ever heard, it was also the last thing he heard from his green haired friend before the boy felt limp in his arms.

"Midoriya! Hey!" Iida cried out his name as he elevated the boy a little more while applying pressure to his wound as the green head's hands had fallen to his sides. As Iida elevated his position a bit, Midoriya's head tilted to the left, now showing his closed eyes.

He lost consciousness... Hopefully, that was just it. But what if it wasn't?


The students started panicking now.

Their green haired friend was barely even breathing now. Actually, they could hardly tell if he was even breathing or not. His skin was as cold as ice. The wound wouldn't stop bleeding despite how much pressure Iida was applying on it. Midoriya looked so lifeless and pale. They didn't know what to do. The state of the boy terrified them. It looked as if he wouldn't make it to the hospital—!

No. No. No. No. No. No.

They couldn't think like that, now could they? They have to stay positive, remain calm and take all the necessary precautionary measures till the ambulance arrives. Everything would be fine as long as they did that, right? Midoriya would make it if they acted properly in this case.

'Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine.' They kept telling themselves.

Almost subconsciously, Uraraka went ahead to check the boy's pulse again.


There was no pulse.

The brunette's eyes widened as she slowly looked up to the others around her, they were all looking at her as if expecting an answer.

Unshed tears started to blur Uraraka's vision as she tried to form words to reply but she couldn't... She couldn't... She just... She just couldn't bring herself to say that Midoriya might never open his eyes again. Taking a deep shaky breathe, she just slightly shook her head sideways which gave away everything.

And with that the reality of the situation begun to sink in. Everything just seemed to come to a stop.

Asui hugged the brunette from the side as she broke down into tears. Yaoyorozu turned away while a choked sob escaped Iida's throat. Gradually, the others started to gather there and sit next to them.

Nobody said a word.

The silence gave it all away.

Suddenly, Iida felt something really cold. He lifted his hand from Midoriya's chest and glanced at his palm.

— The blood was turning a deep shade of blue.

"Wh-What...?" Iida stared at his palm before checking the wound. The blood was altogether turning dark blue... And was excessively cold. "It's turning b-blue..."

In that moment, when everyone the boy's blood change color and temperature, they knew that either there really was something in the bullet... Or it was the effect of an unknown quirk.

Either way, it didn't look like a good thing.

"The ambulance is here!!" Kirishima informed, running next to the group hurdled on the floor with the injured boy. "Make way for the medics!"

And just as they were told, they moved back and stood up as they watched the medics professionally carry Midoriya to the ambulance, making sure they don't move him in an angle that could make the injury worse.

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