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Y'all ever wondered who were the corrupted voices calling out to Deku in ch#1?



The area where his scarred hand rested began to glow a unique shade of viridian green.

His eyes widened as it appeared in front of him, taking place of his reflection.

It smirked.

Now standing as his reflection on the ice wall, the voice took it's proper form. Once a desire and now a fear; Izuku's alter ego. A different him that had long turned to the wrong path. A part of him that wished to be tainted in darkness and take revenge on those who mistreated him in the worst possible way.

That thing was made of pure hatred, thirst for revenge, misdirection, malevolence and maliciousness. It was his dark side.

It replicated the same image of the green head, except there was burning mischief hidden in his emerald eyes. It raised an eyebrow in a cocky way while the smirk never left it's face.

"My, my... And to think you were already enough naïve."

That voice was no longer a far whisper that somehow reached Izuku's ear. It was straight up atrocious and wicked.

It was here. Right in front of him. In his sight. And it somehow felt... Dangerous. A little too dangerous.

So dangerous, if it were to be released in the real world, Izuku knew what enormous level of destruction and despair it would cause.

The green haired boy sure did ask for it to come out of wherever it was hiding and he knew damn well that he didn't stood a chance against it as long as it was controlling his mindscape. But whatever happens, Izuku could not let that thing take over his conscience or his body.

He would fight and go as far as he could to keep that thing locked away from the world.

Even if he had to kill himself to stop it, he would.

So, standing a little back from it, Izuku tried to stop his shaky breaths to show that he wasn't scared from that thing, that he had what it took to face it. With determination shining in his emerald green eyes, he looked at it as his eyebrows furrowed in an attempt to look threatening.

"So, you've finally decided to show yourself, huh?" Izuku asked rhetorically, his tone was colder than usual as if he was trying to hide his emotions towards that thing.

It chuckled, "You're shivering in your boots, Izuku... Do you really think it was a good idea to face me head on? Hm?"

Izuku gulped before replying, "I knew it was a bad idea the moment you entered my mind years ago."

It shook his head sideways, a sly smile dancing on it's face as it looked at the green haired boy with a pitiful expression, "Now, now... You shouldn't talk like that, Izu~ You know that you want me, don't you~? You know you want to see others suffer, right? You need it... It's your — no, it's our drug. We both want it—!"

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