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It mischievously grinned,

"Hello there, Kacchan~!"

The ash blonde felt his left eye twitch. As if the situation wasn't already bad enough, there had to be another one of him that was most absolutely nothing like him.

One look in those wicked emerald green eyes and Bakugou could tell this one wasn't the innocent boy everyone knew.

That article Todoroki showed them clearly had it that these kind of quirks are under control of either a desire, a fear or an alter ego. What Bakugou didn't know was that what he was facing was all three of those options — making this thing way more stronger than anticipated by them.

And the green haired boy Bakugou had come for was... He looked like an emotionless doll. Those emerald eyes never had been so dull and void. They didn't have their usual shine in them. His lips sat completely horizontal, not even a twitch. He usually smiled so bright upon seeing the ash blonde that it could put the sun to shame.

But this time, he didn't....

He just stared at his childhood, eyes piercing into his soul. Did he even know Bakugou was there? Could he feel anything? Any emotion? Were there any memories left now? Did he even know the ash blonde?

Bakugou clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Seeing that nerd buzzing around him, smiling, mumbling, fan-boying about heroes with fascinated eyes, helping every person he saw, crying rivers of tears on the smallest of things, treating the ash blonde like he was and always had been the superior one and so on — it was annoying.

And it might have been annoying as hell but this right here...

This enraged him to no end.

This enraged him against that faker standing behind Deku.

Something in the green haired boy's cold and lifeless body in the hospital, the forgetfulness of their classmates, the crying call from Inko and these dull eyes told Bakugou that this fucker gotta die by his hands right now.

The one behind Izuku chuckled, "What's wrong? Why so silent, Kacchan~?" It moved Izuku's hands with it's own ones, gesturing the question as it led his right hand's index finger on his lips while the left hand was led to support the right elbow, forming a dramatic pose.

"What the fuck did you do to him, asshole?" A low yet dangerous growl escaped Bakugou's mouth as he narrowed his eyes.

It gasped, releasing Izuku's hands that fell to his sides as if they were the ones of a doll's.

"Me? Poor little me?" It pointed at itself. "I would never do anything bad to Izuku!" It wrapped it's arms around the apathetic green head and rested it's chin on his shoulder, pouting.

"If I were to make a list of people who ever hurt him, you, my dear Kacchan, would see your name highlighted at the top." It smirked. Somehow, the glint of mischief in it's eyes seemed to rise.

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