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Once away from the clearing, Izuku begin losing hope a little.

Everywhere he went was the never-ending forest he first stepped in, assuming it was just a cluster of tall trees.

But it was bigger, wider and more confusing than that. It was like an endless maze.

A series of tall, dark trees covering every pathway or more like leading to different paths. Sunlight couldn't reach down to the wild green grass. Everything looked shadowy. There were vines hanging from left to right in many areas. Asymmetrical big cobwebs between the dark trees — Izuku almost got tangled in one of them as they were bigger than his own size. There were no insects or animals though.

He was completely alone.

There was just the sound of his breathing, low muttering about which way he should go, twigs occasionally snapping underneath his steps... And one strange thing. Voices.

Voices he thought he didn't know. Voices that were calling out to him as distant yells and screams. They were calling him with a new name; Midoriya.

"But my name is Izuku," muttered the green head under his breath, pouting.

They almost terrified him to the core but at the same time gave him a feeling that wherever he was he needed to get out of here and find who those voices belonged to.

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