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"What the—?!" Izuku was in midair when he gasped, his eyes widening.

The terrain shifted.

Izuku was surrounded by darkness.

He gulped, brows knitted together in bewilderment. As far as his sight stretched, all his saw was pitch black.

"Why...?" Izuku mumbled, looking down at the keys, "Why did it happen?"

Did his alter ego free itself from Kacchan? Was he in danger?! Could they be fighting? The ash blonde couldn't fight it, it's just too strong to be defeated in a physical battle. Would he be safe? That thing wouldn't hurt him, would it? It wanted Izuku to kill him so it wouldn't hurt him, right?

"Please be safe, Kacchan..." Izuku prayed as he made his grip on the keys tighter.

Emerald green eyes darted across the darkness in hopes to find something, anything. But standing in one spot did no good on his side so he began walking forwards slowly and carefully while keeping an arm stretched out in front of his frame, just in case so he wouldn't crash into something.

Eventually, Izuku's hand collided with a cold, flat and vertical surface that spread from left to right.

He gulped as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. This place, his body, everything was getting so cold. It was so cold, he wondered if this place could be completely built out of ice — but no. It wasn't just getting cold.

He was getting cold.

Something was... Something was freezing him from the inside. Breathing became too difficult. His frame was shivering in the cold and the dark. Teeth began clattering against each other — it wasn't supposed to be this cold. His fingertips were hurting from the cold. He took in deep, heavy breaths as he rubbed his hands over the opposite arms in an attempt to produce some kind of warmth.

No luck.

Izuku figured this was just another one of the aspect of his quirk. The coldness of his body in the real world had increased so much that it was affecting him in here. The only way to stop it would be to get out of this place as soon as he coul—!

His head shot up, eyes moving in all direction.

Izuku heard a faint voice....

Something — someone was calling him. Who? Where? How? Why? He had many questions. But none of them were the top concern right now. Questions could wait. Answers could wait. As much as he urged to write down everything he found out about this quirk in one of his notebooks — he had to wait. Because it wasn't only him in danger anymore... Bakugou was still with the alter ego.

Izuku heard it again. It was so faint, he couldn't make out the words that were spoken. It was out there but blocked by something.

But unlike that voice before, that was a little deranged version of his own voice, this voice undoubtedly belonged to a female.

And he might not have made out the words correctly, but he could tell that it was calling him towards it. It was asking him to follow it. Find it... Almost in a way a mother tells her child to come to here for comfort.

The green haired boy did remember everyone from his life now and he was sure as hell that this wasn't his mother's voice. This was someone else. Someone he didn't know.... Yet he felt some sort of connection. Like he did know who it was. But he really didn't.

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