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Izuku entered the opening, staring at it's inner structure as he slowly walked in further. One hand on the icy wall while the other grabbed onto his shirt from the chest.

The glacier was quite huge and had a steep pathway that went down, Izuku figured more than half of the ice body was already under the frozen river. But apparently, there was nothing in sight as for right now that could help him and Bakugou cross the river safely.

Maybe it was down there?

Izuku crouched near the steep path, inspecting it. It would be difficult to come back up. He could use his quirk to come up through without any danger of injuring himself now that he remembered how to use it properly.

The green haired boy took a glance back, noticing the ash blonde standing in the distance with his back towards him. He was probably waiting for the green head to come back.

But Izuku still had his suspicions.

But then again, it was Bakugou who was with him. Maybe he was just plain annoyed by helping him out and didn't want to answer his questions right now. Maybe he himself didn't know how he got in here. Maybe he wasn't real and the voice was playing with him again. Maybe this was all a big trap and he should try contacting the real world once more before taking any steps. Maybe this was the Bakugou he knew and not some decoy.

There were a lot of possibilities.

And Izuku wasn't sure which path would be safe for him. He had to take some risks if he wanted out. Either he left his childhood friend here and ran or he took them both to safety... Or blindly enter a trap and die.

Regardless, Izuku took the icy steep path and slid down on his feet, his knees slightly bent.

It was shallow and the green haired boy reached the end quicker than anticipated. And if it wasn't for the setting sun's rays refracting through the ice, he wouldn't have been able to see a thing.

'I hope I'm not making a mistake here... But I still need to keep my guard up.' Izuku thought as he bit his lower lip, walking in.

Taking in everything he could see and hear, Izuku stopped a little away from the steep path he came from. 

"There's..." He said, "There's nothing in here..."

That was true. There was nothing in his sight. Just a shapeless hollow made of ice that slowly darkening, signalling towards the coming night. There was no sound except for the weak waves gently crashing against the ice.

"Strange... It didn't feel like a trap. Kacchan sounded so honest and yet... I didn't even feel it's presence nearby either... Well I guess, it did overtook my mindscape." Izuku mumbled to himself.

"I should leave now..."

He said as he subconsciously glanced at his reflection in the icy wall. Nothing out of the ordinary. He only saw his own face with a lost look. Something in the reflection of his eyes told him that he was slowly losing hope and falling right where the voice wanted him.

Izuku placed a hand on the ice wall, a reflection of the scarred hand followed his own as he said, "What if there really is no way out...?"

He bit his lower lip harder than before, he didn't want to let his tears out. Not yet. Not until he was out of this place. His frame was slightly trembling — he wasn't sure if it was the fear or the cold. Either way it wasn't a good sign.

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