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Izuku made his way down the hill towards the house, not hearing the whisper in his ear.

The boy took careful steps down the slope but still, he stumbled and rolled down to the bottom. He ended up getting down there and landing on his back, sprawled out. He yelped, sitting up and rubbing his head.

"Should've watched my steps better..." he sighed and stood up.

He brushed of the dust from his clothes before heading towards the house.

Now, taking a good look at it, Izuku realized the house wasn't anything big. Rather it was a small two-storey log cabin.

There wasn't anything else nearby either. No trees, unlike before. No flowers or any other plants. No other cabins. No smoke rising from the chimney indicating burning fire for the cold. Not any vehicle or any animal nearby. There was just the cabin standing on the ground coated with tall grass.

There wasn't a single sound other than of the rubber tyre swing hanging in the porch, moving back and forth like a pendulum and the wind passing through the vale.

Izuku took a deep breath and went ahead towards the door.

He knocked just in case someone was there.

No answer.

He knocked again in hopes to get proper permission to enter the cabin.

No answer.

"Alright... I'm gonna go in now." Izuku mumbled to himself as he placed his hand on the doorknob.

But he still couldn't help but knock once more. Even though he probably wouldn't get s reply this time either, he just thought of it as very rude to just barge in a cabin that was certainly not his own.


「 Come in... 」


Unlike expected, this time the green haired boy got a reply. And that reply was from the voice he was looking for.

Could this be where the person behind the voice was?!

Izuku turned the doorknob and slowly pushed the door open as it made a few creaking noises. He closed the door behind him as he went further inside the cabin.

It looked like it was pretty old. There were cobwebs in almost every corner and all the furniture was covered by a layer of dust. The wooden floor creaked with every step the boy took.

There weren't many things to consider but the place was enough for one person to stay.

But by the looks of it, it was a huge possibility that no one has been there in a decade or something. It was just an abandoned old cabin. What could he possibly find there?

Izuku sighed as he looked around some more.

There was a small living area that he had already passed. An old couch, covered with a white sheet. A coffee table, covered with dust just like everything else. Though there was a fire lantern sitting on top of the table. Izuku picked it up and tried to turn it on. It didn't work. Probably out of fuel. Izuku still took it with him just in case. There was a fireplace, ashes here and there while there was no wood for burning.

There weren't any other noticeable things there.

He went ahead. There was a small kitchen. Searching through the cabinets, he found light fuel and a match box.

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