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"So? How was it~?"

A self-satisfying grin appeared on it's face.

And soon, one appeared on Izuku's face as well.

Peeking over his shoulder as it began floating in the air, the past desire narrowed it's eyes as it's grin grew cockier now with Izuku's face — it saw Izuku's same grin and felt like it just conquered the underworld.

"Oh~? Someone seems to like it, huh?" It said as one of it's hands slowly brushed through Izuku's messy hair gently while the other caressed his cheek from behind.

"I... I-I... I don't understand." Izuku looked down, his grin still plastered on his face, "What is this feeling? It feels so... It feels so amazing, like — words can't describe it."

The green haired boy turned to his alter ego, brows knitted together as he asked, "What did you do to me?"

It smiled casually as it cupped Izuku's cheeks, still floating in the air, "I showed it to you, didn't I? How much you need it... How much you really yearn for it... It's great, right? You want to do that too, right? You like, don't you, Izuku? You want to kill them. You want to kill Kacchan and everyone else. You want it. Just say it once and it's all yours... I promise that."

"But... But it seems so selfish. I can't just do it because I like it, because I want to or because it feels so goddamn great. It's a selfish wish. I can't. I shouldn't. It's wrong." Izuku replied, his grin slowly faded into a frown as he turned away.

"Oh dear," The alter ego said in a rather soothing voice as it floated next to the green haired boy, "Every wish is selfish and sometimes being selfish is fair."

"No it's not—!" Izuku tried to prove it wrong but his alter ego just placed a finger on his lips and shushed him.

"Shh... Listen to me when I'm speaking. You'll get your turn too," It said, now hovering right in front of Izuku's emerald green eyes.

The green haired boy, on the other hand, just silently nodded as it continued.

"You say it's selfish. But what is selfish? Thinking about what you want. Thinking about what you yearn for. Thinking about your own well-being. Putting yourself before others. Taking care of yourself before anything or anyone else. Must seem foreign to you, right? Because you never think of yourself." It grabbed both of Izuku's shoulders and looked at him dead in the eyes.

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