Chapter 1 The Wildcats Mission

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One night Shadow and his team were looking for the tree of life to find the night pride and then they found the tree of life so Shadow says his plan.

Shadow: Ok here's the plan i will go in alone well all of you stay here until i give the order understand.

All except Shadow said: yes sir!

So Shadow goes in by himself then sees the the owl but she is asleep so shadow passes her to find Kion and Fuli for a small talk.

Meanwhile Rani and Kion were sleeping but then Kion woke up from his dream and saw Rani who was still asleep and Kion's dream was about Fuli who he had feelings for so long. He doesn't know what to do but he loves Fuli more than Rani and he doesn't know if she loves him back. Then Rani woke up......

Rani: are you ok Kion?

Kion: yeah i am fine just a dream

Rani: want to talk about it?

Kion: it's too personal, sorry Rani

Rani: it's ok Kion

Kion: I am going to get a drink Rani and I will be right back

Rani: ok kion be safe

Kion: I will

Then Rani went back to sleep and Kion went to the watering hole. Meanwhile Fuli and Azaad were sleeping but than Fuli woke up from her dream and saw Azaad who was still asleep. Fuli's dream was about feelings she had for Kion. She doesn't know what to do and she loves Kion more than Azaad. than Azaad awakes.....

Azaad: Is everything ok Fuli?

Fuli: yeah I am fine just a dream.

Azaad: want to talk about it?

Fuli: it's too personal, i am sorry Azaad

Azaad: it's ok Fuli

Fuli: i am going to the watering hole to get drink, ok?

Azaad: ok Fuli.

Then Azaad went back to sleep and Fuli went to the watering hole. Meanwhile Ullu woke up and saw cat tracks heading towards the tree of life.......

Ullu: I have to tell the night pride.

Ullu: Rani wake up!

Rani: what is it Ullu?

Ullu: when i woke up i saw big cat tracks and i don't know where he is and he is here in the tree of life

Rani: WHAT Ullu get the rest of the night pride right now.

Ullu: yes Rani

Ullu flies away to find the night pride than she spots Baylio and Nirmala and Surak and flies downs and said

Ullu: night pride wake up!

then they all woke up and than Nirmala said

Nirmala: what is Ullu?

Ullu: Rani wants you to head to the tree of life now it an emergency.

Nirmala: ok we be there

Baylio: ugh ok i am coming

Surak: let's go

They all got up and went to the tree to talk about what was wrong.

Ullu flies up and looks for the rest of the team and than she spotted Beshte and fly down and said

Ullu: Beshte wake up!

The Wildcats Season 1 Also KionxFuli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now