Chapter 8 The Beginning Of A New War

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The next morning at the lair where Shadow and his team and Kion and Fuli sleeping and Shadow started to wake up and got up and said

Shadow: whoa i slept great last night 

Than Vitani approach Shadow and said

Vitani: good morning Shadow

Shadow: good morning Vitani 

Vitani: can i ask you something?

Shadow: what is it Vitani

Vitani: can the wildcats patrol with us today?

Shadow: sure Vitani i wake them up

As than Shadow said

Shadow: wake up everyone we have some patroling to do with the lion guard

Than everyone else started to wake up and got up and headed to Shadow and Speedy said

Speedy: Sure Shadow we can patrol

Shadow: everyone else ok with it

All: yes

Shadow: go let's go

As the wildcats and the lion guard started to come out of the lair to start their first patrol together but than they were greet by Simba and Nala and said

Simba: good morning everyone

Nala: yes good morning everyone

Shadow: morning your Majestys

Vitani: morning your Majestys

Speedy: morning your Majestys

Kion: morning mom and dad

Fuli: morning Simba and Nala

Simba: morning son and Fuli

Nala: morning son and Fuli

Simba: what are you guys up to?

Shadow: us and the lion guard are going to patrol together

Simba: that great

Nala: same here

Shadow: we should start patrolling now

Simba: of course Shadow go ahead 

Nala: go ahead

Kion: ok see later mom and dad

Simba: see you later son

Nala: be safe everyone

All: we will

As they started the patrol the pridelands to keep it safe

Meanwhile the night pride are halfway to the pridelands and Azaad said

Azaad: ok everyone we are halfway there

Rani: good we almost there 

Baylio: wait until i get my hands on Kion and Fuli

Rani: we will get our chance Baylio be patience

Baylio: ok Rani

As they arrived at the wall with water behind it and Ono said

Ono: this is where Kion almost break this wall with his roar

Bunga: yep this is the place

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