Chapter 2 Troubled Feelings

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Kion was drinking from the waterhole and than he said

Kion: i don't know want to do. I have feelings for Fuli and i am with Rani who i don't know her that well and she is not the one i love. It Fuli. as tear rolls down his face than he look up at the sky and he said

Kion: grandfather Mufasa. he called

Than clouds came and Mufasa said

Mufasa: yes Kion i am here.

Kion: hey grandfather i have something to tell you.

Mufasa: what is it Kion?

Kion: well i have feelings for someone else and i don't know what to do

Mufasa: hmm who is this girl you have feelings for and not Rani. 

Kion: well it my friend Fuli as he looks down to the ground.

Mufasa was shock to hear but than he said.

Mufasa: you love a cheetah?

Kion: yes as he sounds embarrassed

Mufasa: well it ok kion

Kion was shock and relived to hear and he said

Kion: really?

Mufasa: Kion love is love i don't care you love a cheetah plus Fuli knows you better than anybody else.

Kion: oh thank you grandfather but what do i do about Rani or Fuli who do i choose

Mufasa: follow your heart and say what you what to say but be prepared for any consequences that might be in your way.

Kion: ok grandfather i will and thank you as he smiles at his grandfather

Than mufasa smiles back as he disappears in the clouds

Kion said to himself 

Kion: follow your heart and know what to said

Shadow comes out of hiding and he said to kion

Shadow: Kion i can help with your problem

Kion turns around in a battle stand and said

Kion: who are you and how do you know my name

Shadow steps back and said

Shadow: my name is Shadow and i am here to help you with your problem 

Than Kion relaxes and said 

Kion: ok Shadow and how can you help me

Shadow: i hear you love Fuli and not Rani so why do you have these feelings?

Kion sighs and said 

Kion: I love everything about Fuli she is beautiful and kind and caring and with Rani i feel nothing but i do care about her but with Fuli it different 

Shadow: i see why didn't you tell her?

Kion: i am just afraid that she won't like me back and i am lion and she is cheetah as he sounds sad.

Shadow felt bad for Kion but than he said

Shadow: Kion you never know until you try and love is love everyone should understand that

Kion: you are right thank you Shadow

Shadow: i can tell Fuli the same thing like i did to you if that ok with you 

The Wildcats Season 1 Also KionxFuli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now