Final Chapter Kion And Fuli's Wedding

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The next morning everyone wake up instantly except Kion and Fuli to get ready for the day for Kion and Fuli wedding they get started at pride rock where the wedding will be held and Simba said

Simba: hey Shadow just in time

Shadow: yes Simba it time

Simba: do you want my son to join your team?

Shadow: yes and Fuli too 

Simba: very well i want to thank you again shadow for saving the pridelands and Kion and Fuli

Shadow: your welcome Simba it my pleasure 

Than Rafiki came and said

Rafiki: you are one of a kind shadow 

Shadow: i know and Rafiki are you ready to start the wedding?

Rafiki: yes it is time

Back at the lair Kion and Fuli wake up and Kion said

Kion: good morning Fuli as he nuzzles her

Fuli: good morning you too Kion as she nuzzles him back

Kion: are you ready for our day today Fuli

Fuli: yes Kion i am 

As they both got up and head the exit of the lair came out and was greeted by Kiara and Kovu

Kiara: hey Kion and Fuli

Kion: hey Kiara

Fuli: hello Kiara

Kovu: are you guys ready for the big day?

Kion: yes Kovu we are 

Kiara: well let's go than as they all laugh at kiara joy 

As they head over where the wedding should be held and they arrived and it looks so beautiful with flowers everywhere and Fuli said

Fuli: whoa this is beautiful right Kion as looks at him

Kion: yes Fuli it truly is but not as beautiful as you as he smiles at her than Fuli blushes and said 

Fuli: aw thanks Kion

As they begin to walk up pride rock and stopped in their tracks and looked at each other and Simba said

Simba: welcome everyone to my son wedding and his new mate today and i wish best of luck for both them let us begin

As everyone cheered and dies down than Rafiki speaks 

Rafiki: we are gathered here today for Kion and Fuli to became mates

Rafiki: so i ask you Kion will you love her for the rest of your life?

Kion: yes i well

Rafiki: alright Fuli will you love him for the rest of your life?

Fuli: yes i will

Rafiki: alright Kion will you take Fuli as your lovely mate for the rest of your life?

Kion: i do

Rafiki: alright Fuli will you take Kion as your lovely mate for the rest of your life?

Fuli: i do

Rafiki: alright i will pronounce mates you may kiss the mate

Kion leans in to kiss her and she kisses back 

As everyone cheers for them and then shadow has something to say

Shadow: Kion and Fuli i am proud of both you of what you done with each other and with the wildcats so i ask you will you join the wildcats?

Kion and fuli were shocked to hear and said

Kion: yes shadow

Fuli: yes shadow we join the wildcats

Shadow: great welcome to the wildcats Kion and Fuli 

Than every wildcat member came and said

Speedy: welcome to the wildcats Kion and Fuli

Leo: welcome to the wildcats Kion and Fuli

Tyrone: welcome to the wildcats Kion and Fuli

Chase: welcome to the wildcats Kion and Fuli

Cam: welcome to the wildcats Kion and Fuli

Snowy: welcome to the wildcats Kion and Fuli

Lance: welcome to the wildcats Kion and Fuli

Kion: thank you guys for everything

Fuli: yes thank you for everything you did for us

All: your welcome Kion and Fuli

Than royal family came and Nala said

Nala: congrats Kion and Fuli

Simba: congrats Kion and Fuli

Kiara: congrats Kion and Fuli

Kovu: congrats Kion and Fuli

Both: thank you all

Shadow: Kion and Fuli let's roar together 

Kion: ok Shadow

Fuli: let's do it

As than everyone roars and Kion and Fuli join the wildcats and it became night time and everyone head to the lair and everyone went to sleep so the pridelands were save once again so what going to be the next adventure for Kion and Fuli and the wildcats


Alright that my story so thank you everyone for reading and have a good day

PS there will be a season 2 so stay tuned

PS The New The Wildcats 

Shadow the leader

Speedy the commander










The Wildcats Season 1 Also KionxFuli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now