Chapter 5 The Return Of The Pridelands

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Next morning everyone was asleep in the tall grass than shadow woke up early and was thinking

Shadow: i hope nothing bad happens like last time but it time to do what right as looks at everyone and said

Shadow: everyone wake up it time

Everyone woke up and went to Shadow and speedy said

Speedy: what the plan shadow as everyone looks at Shadow to what to do next

Shadow: ok here's the plan we go through the outlands and into the pridelands and we go to pride rock and meet the royal family and Kion and Fuli will confuse their love and than we will introduce ourselves to gain trust ok everyone

Kion: yes

Fuli: yes 

Speedy: yes

Leo: yes

Tyrone: yes

Chase: yes 

Patrick: yes

Cam: yes

Snowy: yes

Lance: yes

Shadow: ok good now lets go

Kion: shadow can me and Fuli talk to you alone? before we go

Shadow was confuse and said

Shadow: huh sure everyone we be right back 

Everyone: you got it Shadow as everyone else was confused

Shadow Kion and Fuli went to the deeper in to the talls grass to be alone than they stop and Shadow said

Shadow: is everything ok you two?

Kion and Fuli sighs and said

Kion: well me and Fuli think it not a good idea to tell my parents about us

Fuli: yeah like last time the night pride and our old friends attacked us

Shadow: i know last time went bad but lying will cause stress for both you if you tell the truth things will get better and Kion your parents will never hurt you or Fuli you know that ok

Kion: your right Shadow i am sorry as he looks down the ground

Fuli: yeah your right Shadow sorry

Shadow: it ok guys now lets go

As they head back to where everyone is than they have arrived 

Shadow: all right everyone lets go

Than everyone was walking towards to the outlands they been walking for hours to head to the border than they finally arrived and they went to the pridelands and Kion said

Kion: well everyone welcome to the pridelands my home as he smiles

Fuli: home sweet home as she smiles

everyone was shocked to see a beautiful place and they said

Shadow: whoa it nice 

Speedy: that place to call home

Leo: perfect 

Tyrone: i like it 

Chase: same

Patrick: i am shocked 

Cam: so cool

Snowy: i love it

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