Chapter 9 The Final battle ( The Wildcats And The Lion Guard VS The Night Pride)

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As both sides are ready to fight than Rani said

Rani: night pride ATTACK 

As they night pride started to charge at them than Shadow said

Shadow: take them down

As the wildcats and the lion guard started to charge at them too

Than both sides started clashing into each other than Shadow fights Rani

Shadow said

Shadow: you won't win this fight Rani

Rani: we see about that Shadow

They both circled each other than Rani tried to pounce shadow but Shadow got out of way and than try to pin her down but Rani clawed his right side and Shadow hissed in pain and got off of her and Shadow said

Shadow: you are going to pay for that

Rani: try me

Shadow: fine you asked for it

Than Shadow clawed her right side hard and made Rani fell down to the ground hard and she couldn't get up and Shadow said

Shadow: stay down Rani as he walks away to help others 

Meanwhile Speedy and Azaad were fighting and Speedy said 

Speedy: stand down Azaad you can't win

Azaad: we see about that 

As Azaad tries to charge at him but speedy got out of the way and Azaad fell down to the ground hard than he tried to get up but Speedy grabs and pins him hard to a rock and Azaad fell again down this he can't get up he is hurt bad and Speedy said

Speedy: i am faster and stronger so stay down as he walks away

Meanwhile Kion and Fuli were fighting Bunga and Binga and Bunga said

Bunga: this is all your fault Kion you started this

Kion: no Bunga you did

Bunga tried to grab him but Kion got out of the way and Bunga looked and Kion pawed him hard in the face and Bunga fell down as he tries to get up Kion came back two more punches in the face and Bunga got unconscious and Kion said

Kion: i am sorry Bunga you left me no choice as he walks away from Bunga his former best friend

Meanwhile Fuli and Binga were fighting and Binga said

Binga: you are weak Fuli

Fuli: we see about that

As Fuli spins around in a circle around Binga she flew up in the air and then Fuli jumps up and kicks her down to the ground hard and Binga was dizzy for a moment but she falls down unconscious and Fuli said

Fuli: sorry Binga as she walks away

Kion And Fuli found each other said

Kion: thank god you are ok Fuli

Fuli: me too Kion as both nuzzles each other 

Meanwhile Tyrone and Tangaagim were fighting and Tangaagim said

Tangaagim: ha you stand no chance against a polar bear hahaha

Tyrone: we see about that 

As than Tangaagim pins down Tyrone with force but Tyrone kicked him off and Tyrone got up and charge at him and pins him down hard in the ground and punches him in face so many times and Tyrone stop for a minute and got off him and Tyrone walks away but Tangaagim gets up while tried to claw him but Shadow comes to the rescue pins down Tangaagim with so much force that Tangaagim fall unconscious and Tyrone said

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