Chapter 3 The Moment Of Truth

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Later that night the night pride search everywhere for the big cat and no luck so they all regroup at the tree and Rani said

Rani: Surak anything 

Surak: no nothing no tracks or anything

Rani sighs and said

Rani: me either and no clues where he is and Kion is nowhere to be found or Fuli

Azaad: Fuli should be back by now as he worries something bad happened.

Than Bunga said

Bunga: yeah where is Kion he is not at the waterhole

Everyone was worried about Kion and Fuli than Rani said

Rani: everyone don't worried we find them tomorrow but for now lets get some sleep ok

Everyone nod yes so everyone went to their sleepings spots than Rani went inside the tree and said to herself 

Rani: where are you Kion? 

Than Rani lay down and went to sleep

Meanwhile Azaad went to the sleeping spot where him and Fuli sleep and he said to himself

Azaad: where are you Fuli?

Than Azaad lay down and went to sleep

The next morning Shadow wake up first than saw everyone else who still asleep than looks at Kion and Fuli who sleeping together and shadow smiles than Kion starts to wake up and looks at Fuli he smiles and said

Kion: wake up Fuli in a soft voice

Fuli starts to wake up and looks at Kion and smiles and said

Fuli: good morning Kion

Kion: morning Fuli

Than Shadow says to them

Shadow: had good sleep you two?

Kion: yes slept well 

Fuli: same here thank you for asking Shadow

Shadow: well today is where you and Kion have to tell the truth to Rani and Azaad about your recent relationship Ok

Kion and Fuli sighs and he is right lying won't do anything good than Kion and Fuli said 

Kion: ok Shadow

Fuli: ok Shadow

Shadow: i know you guys don't want to tell them but being honest is better than lying

Kion: i understand and i will do it

Fuli: me too and Kion and i will do it together as she smiles at him and Kion smiles back

Shadow: good now that i am wake everyone else and than we go to the tree and remember the plan tell them the truth if things go south call us but if goes good than we come out peacefully 

Kion and Fuli said

Both: Ok

Shadow: good

Than Shadow went top of the rock and said

Shadow: everyone wake up it is time

Than everyone woke up and Speedy said

Speedy: you heard him let's go 

Everyone got up and started head for the exit of the cave but than Kion and Fuli said to each other 

The Wildcats Season 1 Also KionxFuli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now