Chapter 6 The Tour

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The Next morning in the lair everyone was sleeping than Kion woke up early and looks at right beside him and smiles at her sleeping than said to himself

Kion: i am so lucky to have her as than nuzzle her and hear her purring in joy than she woke up  and look at Kion and said

Fuli: good morning Kion as she nuzzle him back

Kion: good morning to you too Fuli

As they look at each other than Kion got an idea and said

Kion: hey Fuli i got an idea

Fuli: what is it Kion?

Kion: what if we show Shadow and his team the pridelands like a tour

Fuli: that a great idea Kion

Than Shadow approachs them from behind and said

Shadow: what are you guys up?

Kion: oh hey Shadow we just talking about giving you and your team a tour to the pridelands 

Shadow: i would like that and everyone else would too

Than Shadow said to everyone else

Shadow: wake up everyone Kion has something to say

Than everyone is waking up and head towards Shadow and said

All: what is it Kion

Kion: well guys me and Fuli were talking and we should give you guys a tour to the pridelands

All: we would like that Kion and Fuli thank you

Kion: ok great we start now is that ok with Shadow as he looks at him

Shadow: yes it is and Kion you take the lead

Kion: ok everyone let's go

Than the wildcats starting to go out the lair to see the rest of the pridelands they first to go to the hakuna matata falls and they arrived and Kion

Kion: everyone this is the hakuna matata falls this where Timon and Pumbaa live

Shadow: whoa this looks nice and calm what do you guys as he looks at them

All: it looks nice too

Kion: alright let's go to the next place

As they head to the next place they arrived at big springs and kion said

Kion: everyone this is big springs and this is where the hippos live

Shadow: i like it what do you guys as he looks at them

All: i like too

Kion: alright let's go to the next place 

As they head to the next place they arrived at mbali fields and Kion said

Kion: everyone this the mbali fields and this is where zebras and gazelles live 

Shadow: i like it what do you think guys as he looks at them

All: looks good

Kion: alright let's go to the next place

As they head to the next place they arrived at acacia grove and Kion said

Kion: everyone this is acacia grove and this is where the giraffes live

Shadow: nice area what do you think guys as he looks at them

The Wildcats Season 1 Also KionxFuli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now