Chapter 4 The Journey Back To The Pridelands

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After the battle ended Kion and Fuli and shadow and his team were going to the pridelands because Kion and Fuli were exlie from the tree of life and lost friends but have new ones and to see if kion family will accept his love for Fuli than Shadow notices the Kion and Fuli looked sad and Shadow said

Shadow: is everything ok Kion and Fuli?

Kion and Fuli sighs and said

Kion: i am ok but i can't believe they didn't understand and attack us as he said in sad voice and he looks down walking

Fuli: we have been friends with Bunga Beshte Ono and Anga since we were cubs but they just didn't understand our love said in sad voice 

Shadow feels bad because he did cause this but they needed his help and shadow said

Shadow: i know Kion and Fuli it my fault and i am sorry

Kion: no it not your fault shadow we needed your help and they didn't understand it but you guys do

Fuli: yeah don't blame yourself we didn't know it was going to happened

Shadow: thank you guys 

Speedy: we are with you all the way

Leo: same here

Tyrone: everything going to be ok

Chase: we look after each other 

Patrick: that is the wildcat way

Kion: thanks guys as he smiles that he has good friends to support him and Fuli

Fuli: yeah thanks guys as she smile that she has good friends to support her and Kion

All: your welcome as they smile at they for support for they relationship

As they coutinued walking the short cut to the pridelands than Kion leads the way after an hour of walking they came upon a crack cliff to and the other side is the path and Shadow said 

Shadow: is the right way Kion?

Kion: yes but we to get across from here

Shadow: ok everyone can jump here 

Kion: not me 

Shadow: ok get on my back and hold on

Kion: ok as he jumps on his back and holds on

Shadow: i go first than runs fast jumps across and made it 

Kion: whoa as Kion get off shadow back 

Shadow: someone else go

Speedy: i go as he runs and jumps across and makes it

Shadow: good job Speedy next

Leo: i go as he runs and jumps across and makes it

Shadow: good job Leo next

Tyrone: i go as he runs and jumps across and makes it

Shadow: good job Tyrone next

Chase: i go as he runs and jumps across and makes it

Shadow: good job Chase next

Patrick: i go as runs and jumps across and makes it 

Shadow: good job Patrick next

Cam: i go as runs and jumps across and makes it

Shadow: good job Cam next

Snowy: i go as he runs and jumps across and makes it

Shadow: good job Snowy next

Lance: i go as he runs and jumps across and makes it

Shadow: good job Lance Fuli your next

Fuli: ok as she runs and jumps across and makes it

Shadow: good job Fuli 

Kion: yeah good job as he smile at her

Fuli smiles back

Shadow: ok everyone lets keeping going than everyone said

All: ok

Than everyone was walking for 2 hours than arrived at a big wall where water was behind it and Kion said

Kion: this is the place where i broke the wall with my roar and fixed it after

Shadow: interesting 

Kion: yeah 

Fuli: yeah we have to avoid the falling rocks because Kion keeping roaring haha as she laughs and others laugh about her joke than Kion roll his eyes and he said

Kion: hahaha very funny Fuli

Fuli: i was just kidding Kion 

Kion: it ok Fuli

Shadow: hahaha ok that enough let's keep going and everyone else

ALL: ok

Than it was starting to get dark at night everyone was tried and they were close to the pridelands but Shadow saw that everyone was tried from the journey than decided that they should call it a night and Shadow said

Shadow: ok everyone we should stop here for the night than we continued tomorrow morning 

Kion: but we are so close 

Fuli: Kion we need rest you know that

Kion: yeah your right Fuli i am sorry

Fuli: it ok Kion we get there

Everyone went to a sleeping spot and everyone said

Shadow: good night everyone

Speedy: good night

Leo: good night 

Tyrone: good night

Chase: good night 

Patrick: good night

Cam: good night

Snowy: good night

Lance: good night

Kion: good night everyone

Fuli: yeah good night everyone

but Fuli said to kion

Fuli: do you think your parents will accept our love

Kion: i hope so Fuli i hope so

Fuli: ok good night Kion as she nuzzles him

Kion: good night Fuli: as he nuzzles her back

Than Speedy said to Shadow

Speedy: do think Kion parents will accept their love

Shadow: it hard to say but i hope so if not i don't know what to do next

Speedy: yeah i don't know either

Shadow: we just have to wait and see

Speedy: ok night Shadow

Shadow: night Speedy

Than everyone fall asleep and wait until tomorrow because will Kion parents accept Kion and Fuli love or not


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