Chapter 7 New Recruits

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5 days after the night pride got defeated by the wildcats and Kion and Fuli so they spend their time healing their wounds and Rani was extremely angry at Kion and Fuli but than Ullu came and said

Ullu: Rani there is a male clouded leopard approaching the tree of life

Rani: any others with him?

Ullu: no

Rani: ok Surak and Beshte go see him

Surak: ok Rani

Beshte: you got it Rani

As Surak and Beshte head to the entrance and saw the clouded leopard and Beshte knows who he is and said

Beshte: Yun mibu is that you?

Yun mibu: Beshte long time no see

Surak: you two know each other?

Beshte: yes

Yun mibu: yeah they needed my help to get Kion out of a cliff

Beshte and Surak were angry to hear Kion name and Yun mibu said

Yun mibu: is everything ok?

Beshte: yes it fine we explain later

Yun mibu: ok

Surak: let's go meet the queen

As they head to the tree to meet the queen and Rani said

Rani: oh it not lance and who is this?

Yun mibu: my name is Yun mibu

Rani: nice to meet you Yun mibu my name is Rani queen of the tree of life

As than Bunga Ono and Anga said

Bunga: hey Yun mibu

Ono: hey Yun mibu

Anga: hey Yun mibu

Yun mibu: hey guys as he notice that Kion and Fuli were not around and said

Yun mibu: where is Kion and Fuli?

Everyone was angry to hear their names and Yun Mibu said

Yun mibu: i am sorry

Rani: it ok Yun mibu i explain everything it started with Kion and Fuli confess their love and we had a fight but than the wildcats came and we started to fight each other but we got defeated by them and i kicked them out and they left to go to the pridelands so that why we are not friends anymore

Yun mibu was shocked to hear that Kion and Fuli would do that to them and said

Yun mibu: i am so sorry Rani but i am on your guys side on this and Kion and Fuli are now my enemies

Rani: glad to hear that

But than Rani got an idea and said

Rani: i got an idea guys

Everyone looked at Rani and said

All: what is it Rani?

Rani: we need more people to go and attack the pridelands mostly Kion Fuli and the wildcats to get revenge

All: great idea Rani but who would join us

Rani: lets recruit Tangaagim, Varya and Binga

The Wildcats Season 1 Also KionxFuli Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now