07 | the anatomy of having a crush

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💫Seventh Pleasure 💫

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💫Seventh Pleasure 💫


Entering the next door in which I had to face yet another chapter of my life.

That one of being an adolescent.                       

I still am, though, but this is the time of your early years when you are either...

1. Too childish to realize that you're older and still act like a kid, and others say to you grow up.

2. Too mature and think since you're a teen, you have privileges of an adult, so you try doing stupid stuff, because you're an "adult" now, but yet you're too young.

Yeah, it refers to all age groups of 13 to 18. But I'm talking about when you realize you're a teen. A preteen. This reality of my mind was more diverse as my attention wasn't concentrated in one thing but in so much more.

I didn't want anyone's pity or anything like that, because I was much older and I didn't need to only feel miserable, as I couldn't solve life's infinite equations. My motto at this time was to be able to face my insecurities and fears, as I knew I had so many of them.

I wanted to fight my own darkness, by helping others fighting theirs too. Because that gave me hope, I could do a lot better. I started branching out, trying to socialize, well humans have social skills, so we gotta use 'em. This is one part of the story, though as things started getting more complicated.

I needed a distraction.

Another way to look at my story is in a bit more relatable, or in a more lighthearted way. Instead of having just friends, you have other types of people that make your life more confusing you could say,( as it isn't enough hard for us already).

A girl's and boy's (mostly girls though) most annoying, difficult chapter of early teenage years...


(insert dramatic sound effects.)

Yep, I was going to talk about this sooner, or later anyways. Well, with the depression and drama part this book was becoming way too angsty in some points and way too deep, so why not talk like real-life teens.

Like I'll tell you some of the steps of successfully crushing on someone.

(Not 100% helpful or accurate.)

So class get your notebooks and pens out, as I not so proudly present to you...


CLASS 101. BY MS.DIVA Ok, then let's begin.

Now even crushes have some type of formula. If you do something too rash, the whole thing comes out wrong. If you're too careful you might never end get any results. You need to have a mix of both. So, the first question that pops up in our little naïve minds is how do you realize when do you have a crush?

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