Life -noun-
↪the condition that distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction, functional activity and continual change preceding death.
But in other words, it can be a journey crafted for us...
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💫An extra pleasure of heart💫
Heart memories or brain memories?
On which of them do you rely on the most?
It's a bit of a tricky question, isn't it? Well I come to you with a random extra chapter in which I somehow ramble about a fragment of my everyday life and out of the blue I make a spiritual connection and if ya know me well I also will male things a bit dramatic.
Yeah, scratch that.
Pretty dramatic. So, this question popped up not so recently like let's say four months ago. I know not that recent, but somehow it just crossed my mind and I thought I can draw out some inspiration from it. Anyway, I had a conversation a while back with my friend while we were in Biology class. We didn't talk quite often, but this time surprisingly we had an intimate discussion.
We were talking about our crushes. Ke ke, I guess that's what I call intimate.
I assume you already know about my way of dealing with these little 'issues'. Sometimes I take them personally and get depressed over them and yadda yadda, but most of the time I don't really care. They were a thing of the past that I moved on from. And given up on.
Yes, my status will be that of a single Pringle forever.
Okay, I got the topic out of hand. But she was telling me about this boy she had a crush on for ages, but he found about it and didn't like her back, plus he acts super jerky about it by constantly firing up arguments with my friend and getting under her skin a lot of times. My friend is absolutely tired of this situation because she wanted the guy just to remain a good friend of hers.
Nothing more, nothing less.
Although her sparks of attraction emitted on their own, it didn't mean that she had to go full romantic on him. Just because she feels something that doesn't mean it's considered a profound feeling that would have pushed her to engage in a relationship with the said person.
Geez, guys sometimes can be total assholes.
(Sorry if any guy is reading this. But it doesn't stand for all guys, because they're also good, kind and considerate guys. Still control thyself and your immature actions because most of the time it really confuses and hurts girls.)
Again if they'd have the friendship they had before she'd be more than happy. But of course, things never go the way we expected them to be. The next statement she proclaimed was the one that piqued my train of thought, hence inspiring me into writing this little extra.
The girl that sat in front of me told me quite of an unexpected answer.
If only she'd had an erase button, that would get rid of her memories with him plus with the feelings she had for him too, she'd be finally at peace because she's tired of this nonsense and hates the fact that the feelings she has for this guy won't go away.
I replied to her by saying what about your heart memories. Why wouldn't she choose to erase those too? Even they are important because they hold the key feelings.
Don't they? So, I thought.
Well of course she was dumbfounded at first, but then got my drift. But all she had to say was that if you have no memories of the said person, what would you feel? Empty feelings about someone that you don't really care or know about or nothing at all. Of course, the second option as she said it was all about the brain also it's scientifically proven.
My character is mostly driven by my high sensitivity. And since it involved something that involved heart issues it started its reasoning which if I'd judged by anyone, maybe even by you...
You'd probably say I have a critical case of a hopeless romantic mixed with sappy Disney Princess clichés.
According to my poetic, literary way of expressing my opinions, I'd strongly point out the need our hearts have. Even if we erase everything bad in our minds the heart will remember the feelings it had, thus bit by bit recalling everything even the forgotten memories we wanted to dispose of.
But facts are facts and science is never wrong. Our heart's functions aren't what we think they are. Well except that's responsible for our respiration process, it isn't responsible for any emotional experiences.
Our brain, head, conscious, mind call what you want is. The almighty mastermind behind our life choices and behind the people who we chose to love and care. It's all a scientific process in which many chemical reactions take place and if they're successful it means that we're attracted to this person mostly to their physical attributes, then later we get to explore their personality.
But if the inside is trash, we really don't have a big problem disposing of it, don't we?
So basically, we can say that I'm a person who mostly listens to her heart, or to her right side of the brain and I don't try to solve most of the problems handed at me in a rational way. I base the decisions I take on my and one's emotions and how my decision would affect them.
It's like the more I feel, the more I get in touch with what's behind our masks and fake smiles while seeing the raw version of ourselves. By connecting with that part just a little bit more, I can already grasp the solution as I sleep on it, and then I can instantly know how I can help you.
This is my way.
On the contrary, because I feel like every problem I face needs to have at least an emotional root I always tend to overlook the obvious rational solutions.
There is where I suck at. Also, not everyone can be unlocked as easily, who knows the many infinite layers they have upon them to hide what cannot be seen or felt.
Some don't have layers at all.
Maybe one of the reasons I don't use my head a lot can also be that I misjudge people that have rational solutions. Yes, they're straightforward and hold the key into making everything right. But to me somehow it seems an empty and vague piece of advice, because it might be a temporary alternative and because they don't really dig into the real problem.
Then again I'm wrong on these terms. There is probably a reason why we have two ways to look at a problem. Most of the time problems have a fixed solution which can either be based on what our heart supposedly feels and on what our brain reasons.
What if the problem has headed both ways in this case we need both sides to mend the issue beforehand.
To get past the entangling hurdles of thought we use the power of the strong, but careful words that make their way in their mind as they reach deeper calming their troubled thoughts, leading them into thinking straight.
But to even reach these hurdles our inner spiritual being bonds with the lost soul, tearing apart its façades of trying to keep it together. We simply lend a hand to get them out of the darkness and give our eyes and ears to listen to their heart finally pouring out.
All in all a contract is forged between these opposites. They work together for the journal of self-love and self-realization to go as smoothly as possible. As long as we hold on tight to our memories both heart and brain.
And in the end, rely on these pillars to complete the puzzle that each day we try to piece one by one.