➸ CHP 22

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     "We made a deal with your dad", Hansol explained as he guided me inside a building, "Not to hurt you at all..."

     "So why the hell did you take me, then?", I asked.

     "We need to test to see if your ignolsium injection worked"

     "And how do you test that?"

     "Hyuna", Hansol stopped and looked at me, "Do you even know what ignolsium is or how it works?"

     "Not a clue. Jaehyun didn't see any point in telling me"

     "Well, you'll just have to wait and see"

     I nodded and fidgeted with the handcuffs around my wrists.

     I had no idea what was going on, and everything just got more confusing as the night went on. I wanted to be back with NCT, where I felt safe; but I knew I made the right decision by turning myself over. If I didn't, I'm sure there would have been a lot of people hurt tonight.

     "Here we are", Hansol opened a door to a bare room with some mechanically operated chair in it, "I'm leaving you to Woochul now. Don't act up."

     Before he left, he put me in the chair and secured metal cuffs over my wrists and ankles so that I couldn't "escape".

     "She's all yours", Hansol told Woochul as he entered the room.

     "Just hurry up, ok?", I said.

     "We'll take the time we need.", Woochul said as he put plastic gloves on, "You surrendered, remember? The decisions are up to us now",

     The sad thing was I couldn't argue. Woochul was right; I was helpless.

     "I'm gonna go grab the testing tools", Woochul explained, "Don't try pulling anything stupid."

     I nodded, "Its not like there's anything I can do", I whispered to myself.


     "Hyuna!", someone whispered, "Hyuna, over here!"

     "Huh?", my head turned around , "Who said that?"

     "Hyuna, its Hyunjin. I'm with Stray Kids, remember?"

     "Oh my gosh, Hyunjin!", I stopped and looked around to see if anyone was anywhere near the room, "What are you doing here?"

     "We're gonna get you out of here"

      "No, don't", I said, "That's stupid. Someone might get hurt"

     "Yeah, well Jaehyun will get more hurt than all of us put together if we don't get you home"

      I opened my mouth to ask what he meant, but he seemed to be in a hurry, as expected.

     "Just hold on, you'll know it when you should get ready to run", was the last thing Hyunjin said before leaving the window.

     Wait...what did he mean when he talked about Jaehyun. Was Jaehyun ok? Was he missing me as much as I missed him right now?

     "Oh, so you're still here. Good.", Woochul walked back into the room.

     "Yeah...", I kept looking around me. I didn't care if I looked distracted or not.

     "Something bothering you?", Woochul asked.

     "N-No...", I refocused, "Uhm...how does this 'test' thing work?"

     "Well...We're going to put this temperature reader on your arm and we're gonna..."

      I raised my eyebrow, "You're gonna what?"

     "We'll see how resistant you are to fire"

     "What the hell?!"

     "That's what ignolsium does, dumbass! You're supposed to be 'fire resistant'"

     "Your team promised my father that you wouldn't hurt me"

     "Its a safe procedure"

     "Yeah right"

     "You'll be fine."

     I felt scared now. I didn't know what was going to happen to me, and I couldn't be sure if NCT and Stray Kids would be able to get me out of the building in time.

     "Ok, when this temperature reader beeps, I want you to step into that room", Woochul explained as he unlocked the cuffs around my wrists and ankles.

     "This is bullshit"

     "There's nothing you can do about it now"

     My heart pace quickened. Where was Hyunjin and the others?

     An explosion.

     "There they are", I whispered under my breath.

You're Not My Boss // Jaehyun Mafia FFWhere stories live. Discover now